Latest Developments

Pro-Democracy Group Urges Congress to Begin Impeachment Proceedings Against Supreme Court Justices

WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 19, 2024) – Free Speech For People released a letter today to House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan and Ranking Member Jerry Nadler, urging them to support Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s impeachment articles against Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito for abusing their powers to protect and advance their own personal
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MUST READ: Sweeping Section Three under the Rug: A Comment on Trump v. Anderson

A new law review article, titled Sweeping Section Three under the Rug: A Comment on Trump v. Anderson, revisits the March 2024 Supreme Court decision that states cannot enforce Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment (the Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause) against federal candidates seeking to appear on their state ballots. Written by renowned legal scholars William
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Supreme Court Requires Temporary Enforcement of an Unlawful Anti-Voter Law in Arizona While Case is Pending in Ninth Circuit

Phoenix, AZ – The U.S. Department of Justice and several voting rights organizations appeared before the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, to defend voters’ rights against an appeal by the state of Arizona, two Arizona legislators, and the Republican National Committee, who seek to reinstate a voter
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Free Speech For People Endorses Legislation to Overturn the Supreme Court’s Ruling in Trump v. United States

Free Speech For People strongly endorses the “No Kings” bill, introduced by Senate Majority Leader Schumer and joined by 29 co-sponsors, which will undo the Supreme Court’s damaging and wrongly decided ruling in Trump v. United States and ensure that neither the President nor Vice President is above the law. The proposed law provides that
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Free Speech For People and Clean Elections Minnesota File Amicus Brief to Uphold Minnesota’s Ban on Foreign-Influenced Corporate Spending in Elections

On August 16, Free Speech For People and the Minnesota law firm, Lockridge Grindal Nauen, on behalf of Clean Elections Minnesota, filed an amicus brief in federal court in support of the State of Minnesota and its landmark law prohibiting foreign-influenced corporations from spending money in state elections. The law, which protects Minnesota voters and
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Free Speech For People and Center For American Progress Release Video on The Get Foreign Money Out of US Elections Act Featuring Rep. Jamie Raskin and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse

Congressman Jamie Raskin and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse are featured in a new video about their new bill to end foreign-influenced corporate spending in US elections.  The Get Foreign Money Out of Politics Act was reintroduced in July with 22 cosponsors in the House (H.R. 8988) and 4 cosponsors in the Senate (S.4666). The bill would
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Free Speech For People’s Statement on Tina Peters’ Conviction

Tina Peters’ conviction underscores the need for a federal investigation into the multistate conspiracy by Trump allies to breach voting machines and take voting system software. The software taken from Mesa County, Colorado, could be used to try to contest election results. While Tina Peters’ conviction may suggest that the system is holding accountable Trump’s
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MUST READ: Maine Should Be Able to Protect Self-Government From Foreign Influence

A new op-ed in the Portland Press Herald by Free Speech For People’s Legal Director Courtney Hostetler and Counsel Amira Mattar makes the case that Maine voters have the right to prohibit foreign government-influenced corporations from spending money to try and sway Maine’s elections. They write: The ballot measure passed in Maine effectively puts an
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