
Free Speech For People has generated significant coverage of our work.  This coverage has included op-ed placements in the following publications: The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, Newsweek, Time Magazine, USA Today, Fox News, McClatchy-Tribune News Service, US News & World Report, Huffington Post, The Blaze, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Detroit Free Press, Albany Times Union, Raleigh News & Observer, San Jose Mercury News, Honolulu Star Advertiser, The Billings-Gazette, The Wichita Eagle, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, The Tampa Bay Times, Roll Call, The Hill, Daily Caller, Grist, and Truthout. In addition, Free Speech For People has served as expert commentators on MSNBC, Democracy NOW!, The Big Picture with Thom Hartmann, The Young Turks, and The Bill Press Show, among others.

This page shows key highlights of our 2023-2024 press coverage broken down into four categories: Election Protection, Money in Politics, Challenging Corruption, and The 14Point3 Campaign.

For highlights of our press coverage since the founding of Free Speech For People, visit our about page.

Election Protection

Money in Politics

Challenging Corruption

The 14Point3 Campaign

The campaign to ban insurrectionists from the ballot, following Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Press Inquiries

For all press inquires and interview requests, please email press (at) freespeechforpeople (dot) org or call 202-420-9947. To read more about the principals at Free Speech For People available to be interviewed, click here.