Included below are step-by-step instructions for attending a town hall meeting or a meeting with your member of Congress, as well as resources and helpful tools to spread the word about Free Speech For People.
We are grateful for your leadership and participation in this project.


Find your members of Congress
Free Speech For People Lapel Sticker Template
If there is a town hall meeting currently scheduled in your area:

1. Call or email FSFP to let us know.
2. We will mail lapel stickers and palm cards to you to hand out or you may print from the links provided above.
3. Encourage your neighbors, friends, and family to attend the meeting with you.
4. We will also alert supporters in your area and ask them to attend.
5. Take pictures and/or video of your town hall meeting.
6. During the town meeting, ask your Congressmember where s/he stands on the Citizens United ruling and if s/he would support the People’s Rights Amendment.
7. Tell us how it went! We will email you a form asking a few short questions about your town hall experience.
8. If you are on Facebook or Twitter, post about your experience (See details below).
If there is not a town hall meeting currently scheduled in your area:

Contact FSFP for a congressional meeting training.  We will discuss next steps, talking points, meeting tips and more.
Share Your Experience
On Facebook:
1. ‘Like’ Free Speech For People
2. Change your status to let people know you are participating in FSFP’s August Recess project and encourage others to join you. Here is sample text:

Join me in asking our elected officials to support an amendment to the US Constitution, making it clear that Constitutional rights are for people, not corporations!

3. Post pictures or video of your town hall meeting on your Facebook page and tag Free Speech For People.
On Twitter:
1. Follow Free Speech For People
2. Tell your followers that you are participating in FSFP’s August Recess project and encourage others to join you. Here is sample text:

Tell reps constitutional rights are for people, not corporations. Join Free Speech For People’s August Recess project! @FSFP #AugustRecess

3. Post pictures or videos of your town hall meeting.  Remember to tag your posts with #AugustRecess and we will retweet!
Contact Information
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments:
Maram Abdelhamid
National Field Director
Free Speech For People