Free Speech For People has just released a new short video with a call to action to urge Members of Congress to demand that the DOJ and FBI investigate the multistate plot, by Trump attorneys and allies,  to unlawfully take copies of voting system software and share them with other election deniers.

WATCH: The DOJ and FBI must investigate the multistate plot by Trump’s allies to illegally take voting system software 

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It’s outrageous that this plot, which was exposed through uncontested evidence – documents, sworn testimony, and surveillance camera footage, obtained through private, civil litigation  – has been ignored by federal law enforcement. By failing to investigate, the feds are sending a perilous message that it’s fine for partisan actors to access voting machines. When the feds initiate an investigation, bad actors will know it is not okay. 

TAKE ACTION: Contact your Senators and Members of Congress and demand they press for a federal investigation into this scheme. 

To learn more about this issue, please visit our page: Demanding Federal Action on the Trump Campaign’s Efforts to Copy and Distribute Voting System Software – Free Speech For People.