Yahoo! Finance
February 13, 2012
Ice Cream Maker Unveils 2012 Social Mission Effort & Election Year Makeover for Colbert’s Pint as the New AmeriCone Dream
On the evening of one of the company’s most successful celebrity flavors’ 5th birthday, Ben & Jerry’s launched its newest social mission quest with a focus to Get the Dough Out of Politics. “This is the new version of the AmeriCone Dream,” said Ben & Jerry’s CEO, Jostein Solheim. “Since it involves corporations, money, and politicians we felt it was only fitting to do so with a new SUPERPACK pint design on Stephen Colbert’s flavor – and on AmeriCone Dream’s fifth anniversary.”
Fans have hungrily lapped up the Colbert-approved concoction since the February 14, 2007 kick off. In that original press release Colbert penned that he was proud to bring some balance to the freezer section versus Ben & Jerry’s usual progressive efforts. Now, the ice cream makers themselves are out to find some balance. This time, it’s specifically about money in politics, and a corresponding consumer campaign to take action at
“Let me be clear, I have nothing to do with and none of my ice cream money will go to support this treasonous organization,” said Stephen Colbert. “Ice cream should not be about politics it should be about fudge covered waffle cones.”
Taking a stand on issues is nothing new for Ben & Jerry’s. The company officially supported the Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011. It is in that same inspiration that it chose to leverage its voice to make a statement… and hopefully make a difference in 2012. “We’re speaking on behalf of the 99%, using our pulpit as an activist company to highlight the fact that things are topsy-turvy,” added Solheim. Ben & Jerry’s is shining the spotlight on how big corporate money has come to influence elections, and that the company disagrees with how officials are elected in that manner.
The ice cream makers reached out to grassroots activist groups Free Speech for People and (the American Sustainable Business Council’s organization) Businesses for Democracy as partners in the campaign. Jointly they hope to increase public awareness of the need for fundamental reforms that will reduce or eliminate undue corporate influence in the democratic process – and to channel this awareness into action. The main focus of the online petition calls on Congress to pass a constitutional amendment that overturns Citizens United and gets the money out of politics.
“’We feel that the time is now, during an election year, and that this is the major issue to highlight as the NEW American dream,” said Solheim. The Ben & Jerry’s Chief acknowledged that they company has its work cut out for itself. To raise awareness the new GET THE DOUGH OUT message would be launched and prominently featured on the special, election year packaging for Colbert’s flavor as well as on Ben & Jerry’s website and included in mobile grassroots efforts across the country. To sweeten the deal, Ben & Jerry’s is giving away free AmeriCone Dream ice cream scoops in participating Scoop Shops across the country on Colbert’s flavor anniversary February 14, from 5 – 8 pm. Now that puts the free in freedom.
For more information on Ben & Jerry’s or to find your local Scoop Shop, visit
Photo by spatuletail /