Latest Developments

Small Pool of Rich Donors Dominates Election Giving

Newly released Federal Election Commission reports and Internal Revenue Records confirm what many of us already know: A small group of wealthy donors are dominating our elections. A recent New York Times analysis reports that today’s fundraising efforts rival that of a full-blown arms race, with many presidential hopefuls depending on a very small group of donors to
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Tim Danahey Show Interviews Ron Fein On Corporate Personhood In IFA v. Seattle

On Thursday, July 30, Ron Fein joined the Tim Danahey radio show to discuss our amicus brief in the case, International Franchise Association v. Seattle. In this interview, Fein discusses the era of corporate personhood, the Fourteenth Amendment, and how the International Franchise Association is claiming access and protection by this amendment. Stream the interview after the jump.
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The ‘A to Z’ of Money In Politics

Today, our friends Pay 2 Play launched a new campaign, Money in Politics A to Z . Over the course of a month, a new letter will be released each day that corresponds to an issue in which big money in politics directly relates to. We found a few letters that relate to our own initiatives, which we will launch later next month.

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Netroots Nation 2015: A Call To Get Money Out Of Politics & Restore The Voice Of The People

Last weekend, Free Speech For People traveled to Phoenix, Arizona for the 8th annual Netroots Nation conference, featuring a keynote from Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. Democrat Presidential candidates, former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley and Senator Bernie Sanders, were also in attendance for a townhall style panel hosted by Antonio Vargas.
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People v. The Coal Baron

In 2010, a disastrous coal mine explosion at the Upper Big Branch facility claimed the lives of twenty-nine miners. An independent report investigating the blast found Massey Energy directly responsible for its neglect. Massey’s parent corporation agreed to criminal and civil penalties, but such recklessness deserves harsher penalties than a fine or a slap on the wrist.
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Ninth Circuit Orders Plaintiffs to Respond in Montana Campaign Finance Case

Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ordered the plaintiffs to respond to a petition to rehear an earlier decision that threatened Montana’s campaign contribution limits. Free Speech For People had filed an amicus brief urging the court to rehear this case, and we’re pleased that the court has taken this step.
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