Latest Developments

NYT reports on potential breakthrough on corporate political spending

The New York Times’ lead story today reports on a potentially huge breakthrough in the quest for corporations to be accountable to their own shareholders for their political spending, and for that spending to be made public.

Key excerpts are below.

S.E.C. Gets Plea: Force Companies to Disclose Donations

Published: April 23, 2013

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Free Speech For People statement on the passing of Rev. Bob Edgar

All of us at Free Speech For People are deeply shocked and saddened by the news today of Rev. Bob Edgar’s passing. Bob lived his life with honor and integrity. As the president of Common Cause since 2007, he was a champion for the cause of democracy here at home. He worked tirelessly to see that this nation lives up to its basic ideals. He was an American hero and will be sorely missed by all of those here and around the world whose lives he touched. Our thoughts are with him and his family and all at Common Cause during this difficult time.  

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Californians could vote on overturning Citizens United

There is an effort underway to give every Californian a chance to vote on a ballot question calling for a U.S. constitutional amendment to overturn the Citizens United ruling.

Although the California Legislature has already passed a resolution calling for such an amendment, now a bill being considered in the legislature would give every California voter the chance to make their voice heard on this key issue, which is central to restoring American democracy to the people.

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Pennsylvania Court Deals Blow to Secrecy-Obsessed Fracking Industry: Corporations Not The Same As Persons With Privacy Rights

Steven Rosenfeld Alternet April 11, 2013 This article was published in partnership with Excerpts: “A Pennsylvania judge in the heart of the Keystone State’s fracking belt has issued a forceful and precedent-setting decision holding that there is no corporate right to privacy under that state’s constitution, giving citizens and journalists a powerful tool to
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New Hampshire State House to Congress: Overturn Citizens United And Get Big Money Out of Politics


CONCORD, NH. –On Wednesday, by a bipartisan vote of 189-139, the New Hampshire House of Representatives passed a resolution calling on Congress to overturn the Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United by amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations are not people with constitutional rights (HCR 2).

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