Latest Developments

Citizens United is bad for business, too: Op-Ed in The Hill by Amy Domini, founder and CEO, Domini Social Investments

Amy Domini has written a great OpEd in The Hill newspaper, detailing how Citizens United and a system based on privileged access for insiders hurt small businesses and innovators who are the real drivers of our economy. 

The piece highlights the work of our partners, the American Sustainable Business Council and also mentions Free Speech For People’s work engaging business leaders in the campaign to put American democracy back on a level playing field.

Here’s an excerpt:

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Speaking freely on free-speech debate

Angela Carella

July 6, 2012

Stamford Advocate

In Stamford Thursday night, democracy worked to try to make democracy work better.

The State and Commerce Committee of the Board of Representatives passed a resolution calling for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would prohibit corporations, unions and wealthy individuals from spending unlimited amounts of money to influence elections.

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Massachusetts legislators calling for Constitutional Amendment to reverse Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision

By Michael Norton and Matt Murphy

State House News Service

June 23, 2012

BOSTON — Concord Rep. Cory Atkins feels one of her colleagues this election cycle could become the first local victim of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.

To hear Atkins tell it, the court’s January 2010 ruling means there’s nothing stopping corporate interests from swooping in days before the election and dumping large amounts of cash into Super PAC ads targeting a particular representative or senator, who would then be unable to respond proportionately.

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U.S. Conference of Mayors adopts resolution on corporate personhood.

At its 80th annual meeting, in mid-June, the U.S. Conference of Mayors voted unanimously, by voice, to:

"Establish as a position of the United States Conference of Mayors that corporations should not receive the same legal rights as natural persons do, that money is not speech, and that independent expenditures should be regulated"

The resolution can be viewed at:

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