Southwest Airlines founder Herb Kelleher criticizes Citizens United decision (CNN Money) Posted on January 15, 2013 (November 20, 2020) Democracy Amendments CNN Money, an online outlet from CNN, Fortune, and Money, has a piece on Southwest Airlines founder Herb Kelleher. Asked "How are you feeling about the political system these days?", Kelleher leads off with well-placed criticism of Citizens United: Read More
Jeff Clements at Orion magazine blog: “Louder Than a Dollar” Posted on January 12, 2013 (November 20, 2020) Our co-founder and President, Jeff Clements, wrote the following on Orion magazine’s blog, including a touching tribute to the recently deceased Executive Director at the Rainforest Action Network, Becky Tarbotton. Louder Than a DollarJanuary 11, 2013, by Jeff Clements Here’s a number from the November elections: 0.5. That’s not a victory margin; it’s a measure of how bad things have gotten in our democracy. Read More
Calling on President Obama to support a Constitutional Amendment in his State of the Union address. Posted on January 8, 2013 (November 20, 2020) Democracy Amendments We’ve just launched a petition on the White House’s official petition site asking President Obama to include a call for a constitutional amendment in his State of the Union address, which is coming up in just a couple of weeks. Click here to sign the petition: Here’s the language: We petition the Obama administration to: Use the State of the Union to call for a constitutional amendment to get big money out of politics. Read More
Using a corporate “person” to qualify for the carpool lane. Posted on January 7, 2013 (November 13, 2020) Democracy Amendments Here’s a novel twist on the notion that corporations are people: a man in California is arguing in court that corporate papers in his car should count as a human passenger, qualifying him to drive in the carpool lane. U.S. News / NBC News has the story. Here’s an excerpt: California man says he can drive in carpool lane with corporation papers By Isolde Raftery, NBC News Read More
State Comptroller Sues Qualcomm for Data on Its Political Contributions Posted on January 3, 2013 (November 13, 2020) Challenging Super PACs Nicholas Confessore New York Times January 3, 2013 The New York State comptroller, seeking to force greater public disclosure of corporate political spending, has sued Qualcomm, demanding to view internal records of political expenditures by the company, one of the country’s largest makers of computer chips for mobile devices. Read More
John Bonifaz: The Face of Democracy 2013 Posted on January 3, 2013 (November 13, 2020) Democracy Amendments Joanne Boyer Wisdom Voices January 1, 2013 Excerpt: Read More
NY Times compares NRA carrying water for gun makers to corporate claims of constitutional rights. Posted on December 21, 2012 (November 2, 2020) Democracy Amendments The New York Times has an editorial today castigating the National Rifle Association for doing the bidding of gun manufacturing companies, rather than its members. It cites NRA members’ support for background checks before sales are made at gun shows, which the NRA has opposed, as an example. The editorial also appropriately places the gun makers’ efforts to sell more of their product, without regard to public preferences or safety, in the context of the fight we’re leading to end the fiction that corporations have constitutional rights: Read More
Legal Ethics Forum and The Nation look at the National Rifle Association’s corporate ties & outside political spending Posted on December 17, 2012 (November 2, 2020) Democracy Amendments People are starting to take a close, critical look at the National Rifle Association, in the wake of the tragic shooting in Newtown, CT on Friday. The website Legal Ethics Forum points out some salient statistices from First Amendment Political Speech, the Second Amendment and the Best Gun Laws Money Can Buy Read More
US Court to Big Pharma: “Make any claim you like.” Posted on December 13, 2012 (November 2, 2020) Corporate Abuse of Power In America, we have the Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.) to ensure that the food we buy is safe to eat, and that drugs do for our health what their makers say they do. A U.S. Court recently tossed much of that premise out the window, saying pharmaceutical companies and their employees can not be prevented from making claims about health effects that are un-verified by the F.D.A. In effect, the decision gives drug makers the green light to make up any claim they please, to make the sale. Read More
Robert Reich: Why billionaires will still pour millions into politics Posted on December 12, 2012 (November 2, 2020) Defending Key Reforms Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich has an excellent piece in the Christian Science Monitor today dispelling the myth that big money was beaten for good in the last election. I keep hearing that the billionaires and big corporations that poured all that money into the 2012 election learned their lesson. They lost their shirts and won’t do it again. Don’t believe that for an instant… Read More