Latest Developments

What did the Court decide in Citizens United?

A sharply divided Supreme Court decided that the American people are powerless to stop corporations from using corporate funds to influence state and federal elections. The 5-4 decision ruled that the restrictions on corporate expenditures in elections contained in the federal Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (known as BCRA or “McCain-Feingold”) violated the First Amendment protections of free speech.

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Beyond Citizens United v. FED: Re-examining Corporate Rights

American Constitution Society for Law and PolicyAuthor: Jeffrey D. ClementsDocument Date: Wed, 11/04/2009Description: ACS is pleased to distribute “Beyond Citizens United v. FEC: Re-Examining Corporate Rights,” an Issue Brief by Jeffrey D. Clements, an attorney in private practice who specializes in litigation and appeals with the Clements Law Office, LLC. One of the most highly
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