Latest Developments

O’Connor: Campaign Ruling A Concern In Judge Races

By BRIAN WITTE, Associated Press

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) ? Retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor said Wednesday the high court’s ruling on campaign finance earlier this year and a separate ruling on campaign funds received by a judge “ought to be a concern to every state that still elects judges.”

O’Connor, who is taking part in a nationwide push across state legislatures this year to end the practice of electing judges, contends partisan elections and the fundraising that comes with it damages the ability of judges to be impartial in court.

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Leahy to Hold Hearing on Citizens United

Citizens United Supreme Court Case
Senate Judiciary Committee
Full Committee Hearing

Senate Judiciary Committee (Chairman Leahy, D-Vt.) will hold a hearing titled “We the People? Corporate Spending in American Elections after Citizens United.”
Contact: Bruce Cohen – Democratic Chief Counsel at 202-224-7703

Wednesday, March 10, 10 a.m.
Place 226 Dirksen Bldg.
Witnesses Scheduled:
Jeffrey Rosen, professor, The George Washington University Law School
Doug Kendall, founder and president, Constitutional Accountability Center

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Iowa Senate Sends Message To Corporations

It didn’t take the Iowa Senate long to respond to the devastating blow to democracy struck in Citizens United v. FEC, voting 49-1 to impose tough new regulations on corporations trying to interfere in elections. In doing so, the Iowa Senate became the first state legislative body to pass significant campaign finance reform responding to Citizens United.

The bill promises to regulate corporate interference in elections by:

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Dodd and Udall Introduce Amendment

MCG10062 S.L.C.
S. J. RES. 28
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to contributions and expenditures intended to affect elections.
Mr. DODD introduced the following joint resolution; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to contributions and expenditures intended to affect elections.
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New Poll Confirms Overwhelming Public Opposition to Citizens United Decision

From People for the American Way:

New Poll Shows Broad Support for “Fixing” Citizens United

Americans Want Limits on Corporate Cash in Elections, Would Support a Constitutional Amendment

A national poll of 1,200 Americans commissioned by People For the American Way shows that the Roberts Court is far out of step with the American public over corporate money in elections. It also shows broad support for a wide range of proposals to “fix” the Citizens United ruling, including legislation being introduced in Congress and a proposed constitutional amendment.

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