Latest Developments

Jasmine Gomez: Citizens United, the First Amendment, and the Ballot

Our Democracy Honors Fellow, Jasmine Gomez published an op-ed today to Common Dreams, on “Citizens United, the First Amendment, and the Ballot.” In Jasmine’s latest piece, she rebuts the critics of a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, and reminds us all of our democracy’s aim for “political equality” — that is before the Court’s Buckley v. Valeo ruling. Jasmine writes,

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Our Stetson Law Panel: Taking on Citizens United

Free Speech For People and the Stetson Law Chapter of the American Constitution Society presented a panel on short- and long-term strategies to overturn Citizens United, featuring FEC Commissioner Ellen Weintraub.
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Millennials and Money in Politics

On October 19, the Washington D.C. Lawyer chapter of the American Constitution Society presented a conversation on: Millennials and Money in Politics.
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Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission:  Dangerous Consequences for Democracy — An FEC Commissioner Speaks Out 

Presented by Temple Beth-El and the Leif Nissen Foundation Thursday October 27, 7:30pm A Q/A session and Dessert Reception follow the lecture. This event is free and open to the public.    The Leif Nissen Foundation was created by Karen Lieberman & Bruce Nissen to honor their son Leif (May 21, 1980–November 19, 2008) of
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Taking on Citizens United: Short and Long-term Strategies To Restore Our Democracy

Presented by the Stetson Law Chapter of the American Constitution Society  THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2712PM – 1PM The Great Hall of the Gulfport Campus at Stetson University College of Law  This panel brings together some of the country’s boldest campaign finance reformers for a vibrant discussion on how to connect our current constitutional moment and the
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