Posted on June 11, 2012 (June 19, 2020) Democracy Amendments Share: On June 11, 2012, the delegates at the national convention of the League of Women Voters adopted the following statement: Be it resolved, we, the representatives of local and state Leagues assembled at the 2012 LWVUS Convention, call upon the LWVUS Board to advocate strongly for all appropriate, duly-considered measures which may include but are not limited to a constitutional amendment and which: · are consistent with our current positions on campaign finance reform and individual liberties; · allow Congress and the States to set reasonable regulations on campaign contributions and expenditures; and · ensure that elections are determined by the voters. Free Speech For People congratulates the League, which passed this resolution at its 50th national convention, and also its Amherst, Concord/Carlisle, and Sudbury, Massachusetts chapters, which brought this resolution to the floor. We see this resolution as a fitting step for the League, which emerged as an organization following the successful movement for enactment of the 19th Amendment guaranteeing women the right to vote.