A new nationwide poll from Data for Progress shows strong support among voters for banning foreign-influenced corporate money in our elections. 

  • 82% of voters agree that there should be new limits on U.S. corporations spending money in our elections if the corporations have any foreign ownership. 
  • 72% of voters support a proposal to ban companies that are owned or influenced by individuals from foreign countries from spending money on U.S. elections. 

Companies with significant foreign ownership, like Amazon, Chevron, and Uber, have used their money to influence the outcome of elections and political agendas in their favor. The Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United created a loophole for foreign interests to acquire stakes in U.S. corporations and then use that leverage to influence or control the corporation’s political activity, including campaign contributions, contributions to super PACs, and independent expenditures. However, bolstered by new polling data, there is a growing push to close the loophole and get foreign money out of our elections.

Last week, Congressman Jamie Raskin and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse re-introduced the Get Foreign Money Out of Politics Act. Rep. Raskin filed H.R.8988 with 22 cosponsors. And Sen. Whitehouse filed S.4666 with 4 cosponsors. The bill would bar corporations with significant foreign ownership from contributing to candidates, parties, or committees (including super PACs) or from engaging in their direct election spending. The bill impacts multinational corporations owned by 1% or more by one foreign investor or 5% or more by multiple foreign investors. These thresholds reflect levels of ownership that are widely agreed (including by entities such as the Securities and Exchange Commission) to be high enough to influence corporate governance.

The policy grows from model legislation developed by Free Speech For People. Free Speech For People helped to pass similar legislation in Minnesota in 2023, San Jose, California in 2024, and Seattle, Washington in 2020. Additional bills are under consideration in California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington State.

Read more about Free Speech For People’s work to ban foreign-influenced corporations from spending money to influence local, state, and federal elections.