Posted on January 22, 2025 Election Protection Share: The NAACP Tri-State Conference of Idaho-Nevada-Utah last Friday moved to dismiss a lawsuit targeting the unlawful removal of thousands of lawfully registered citizens from the voter rolls in Nevada. The Tri-State NAACP, represented by Free Speech For People, Mayer Brown LLP, and local counsel Woodburn and Wedge, recently won the right to intervene as a defendant in the lawsuit, which was filed by the Trump campaign and Republican parties just weeks before the November 2024 general election. Plaintiffs weaponize widely discredited and flawed data about alleged noncitizen voting to justify its bid to purge the official voter rolls of thousands of legitimate voters. In its motion to dismiss, the Tri-State NAACP argues: Indeed, voter roll maintenance programs of the type requested by Plaintiffs have been deemed unreliable for inaccurately flagging and removing eligible voters. Plaintiffs’ citation to the failed efforts by other states, coupled with their apparent lack of careful consideration for how the Secretary would effect his duties, belie their true intent. This is not a case about voter roll hygiene; it is about abusing the voter roll maintenance process to disenfranchise potentially thousands of eligible voters. The Tri-State NAACP’s motion to dismiss follows two other dismissal motions filed by defendants Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar, the Democratic National Committee, and the Nevada Democratic Party. A hearing on the motions is set for March 5, 2025. To read the motion, click here. To visit our Dagusen v. Aguilar case page, click here.