Latest Developments

FSFP Welcomes Our New Summer Legal Advocacy Program Interns!

Free Speech For People is pleased to announce our summer 2019 Legal Advocacy Program interns! We appreciate the talent, time, and commitment to defending our democracy the new Legal Advocacy Program interns bring to the Free Speech For People team. Learn more about our new Legal Advocacy Program interns below! Justine Morris is a rising
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Just Security: How Impeachment Proceedings Would Strengthen Congress’s Investigatory Powers

In a new article from Just Security, Michael Stern explores how impeachment proceedings would strengthen Congress’s investigatory powers and address the continued defiance of subpoenas, requests for information, and more by the Trump administration. Stern explores the depth of information the House could receive via an impeachment inquiry including that such an inquiry offers the
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New Report from Demand Justice Details the Case for a Kavanaugh Investigation

In September 2018, Free Speech For People launched a campaign calling on Congress to begin an impeachment investigation of then-Judge Brett Kavanaugh, for committing perjury. We later expanded the grounds for an impeachment investigation to include allegations of sexual assault and bringing the judiciary into disrepute. We were honored to work with Demand Justice on
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First Republican Representative Joins Call for Impeachment

On Saturday, May 18, Justin Amash became the first Republican member of Congress to call for impeachment proceedings against the president. Congressman Amash, the representative from Michigan’s 3rd district, laid out his thoughts on impeachment in a Twitter thread: Here are my principal conclusions: 1. Attorney General Barr has deliberately misrepresented Mueller’s report. 2. President
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Massachusetts Non-Partisan Citizen Commission Works to End Big Money Dominance in U.S. Election

Massachusetts announced on May 1, 2019, the members of the first-in-the-nation, 15-member non-partisan Citizen Commission to advance the state’s policy in favor of an amendment to the United States Constitution to address concerns about corruption, undue influence, and unequal citizenship as a result of unlimited political spending and growing power of global corporations in American
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Legislative Hearing Scheduled on Bills to Protect Massachusetts Elections

“Almost a decade after the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, the results have been disastrous as foreign corporate money and the pooled wealth of super PACs have swamped the voices of the American people and corrupted our democracy. With the passage of these bills to end the influence of super PACs and foreign money on Massachusetts elections,
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Congress Receives 10,000,000+ Signatures for Impeachment!

“There are those who say political expediency dictates that we not impeach. I say moral imperative always trumps political expediency.” – Congressman Al Green “When I look back at this moment in our country, this remarkable moment in our country, I want to look back and say that I did something…Right now, doing nothing is
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10,000,000 + For Impeachment: Join us this Thursday in DC!

Tomorrow, Thursday, May 9, Free Speech For People is coming together with allied groups from across the country to deliver what is likely the largest online petition in history. We will be delivering ten million petition signatures in support of an impeachment investigation of the president to Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and the other Members of
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Free Speech For People Joins Nationwide Day of Action in Support of Impeachment Resolution

Today, Free Speech For People, with a coalition of groups in support of impeachment investigations of President Trump, is organizing supporters across the country to urge their members of Congress to sign on to Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib’s impeachment resolution. The day of action follows Attorney General William Barr’s testimony before Congress regarding Russian interference in
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