Latest Developments

Department of Justice Files Statement of Interest in New Hampshire AI Robocall Lawsuit Defending the Right of Plaintiffs to Sue Under the Voting Rights Act

As reported in the Associated Press, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a statement of interest in League of Women Voters of New Hampshire v. Kramer before the U.S. District Court of New Hampshire. The DOJ supports the plaintiffs’ right to sue under the Voting Rights Act to challenge the use of intimidating robocalls to
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MUST WATCH: The DOJ and FBI must investigate the multistate plot by Trump’s allies to illegally take voting system software

Free Speech For People has just released a new short video with a call to action to urge Members of Congress to demand that the DOJ and FBI investigate the multistate plot, by Trump attorneys and allies,  to unlawfully take copies of voting system software and share them with other election deniers. WATCH: The DOJ
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Elon Musk’s super PAC is trying to suppress the vote. He must be held accountable

Voter suppression shouldn’t be a campaign strategy. Social media giants shouldn’t be trying to suppress the vote of people who might not vote for their owners’ or advertisers’ preferred candidates. But that is exactly what is happening. And it is why Congress must act now to pass the Big Tech Accountability Act. A recent news
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Free Speech For People and Center For American Progress Release Video on The Get Foreign Money Out of US Elections Act Featuring Rep. Jamie Raskin and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse

Congressman Jamie Raskin and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse are featured in a new video about their new bill to end foreign-influenced corporate spending in US elections.  The Get Foreign Money Out of Politics Act was reintroduced in July with 22 cosponsors in the House (H.R. 8988) and 4 cosponsors in the Senate (S.4666). The bill would
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