Latest Developments

Don Blankenship, Former Massey Energy C.E.O. Guilty in Deadly Coal Mine Blast

This week, Don Blankenship was convicted of a federal charge stemming from a deadly coal mine blast that left 29 miners dead at the Big Branch Mine in 2010. He has to has to answer for his crimes, and his corporation, Massey Energy should too. Learn more about our work to hold law-violating corporations responsible.
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“Corporations, the Constitution and Democracy” A Recap From Our Symposium With Loyola Law School

On Friday, November 20, Free Speech For People and Loyola Law School of Los Angeles hosted a full-day academic symposium on “Corporations, the Constitution, and Democracy.” With the invaluable assistance of Professor Elizabeth Pollman, the event brought together some of the nation’s leading thinkers to examine how the role of big money and corporate claims
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2015: A Year Of Moving Democracy Forward

We are thrilled to share with you all that you have made possible in 2015, from success in the courts to expanding the constitutional amendment movement in the states – all of which we could not have done without you.
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Towards a Small Donor Democracy in the District of Columbia

Policy Components of a Small Donor Campaign Finance System via U.S. PIRG Democracy works best when our representatives are focused on their constituents, rather than dialing for dollars from large donors or courting the favor of special interests. In the District of Columbia, candidates for office too often must depend on wealthy donors who can give far
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