Latest Developments

Demos Blog: The Gatekeeper Class

New blog via Demos writes of an era of crushing racial and economic injustice, we need a campaign finance system that allows everyone an equal chance to sit at the table as policymakers. Candidates should be filtered by all Americans, not just by the Gatekeeper Class.
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Latest Developments in Montana Contribution Limits Case

On Tuesday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued an order denying Montana’s petition for rehearing en banc in Montana’s contribution limits case. Ron Fein provides a quick background and our analysis after the jump.
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Corporations Continue to Claim Constitutional Rights in Seattle Living Wage Case

This Tuesday, lawyers argued before a federal appeals court panel in Seattle, to contend whether the city’s new minimum wage violates the equal protection rights of franchised business corporations. Free Speech For People filed an amicus brief in support of the city, arguing that the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause protects people, not corporations, and in particular that living wages were a central concern of the Fourteenth Amendment’s drafters. Our local counsel in Seattle, Harry Williams, attended the oral argument and submits this report.
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Ron Fein Joins AM950 Of Minnesota To Discuss Conflict Mineral Case

On August 21, Ron Fein joined Minnesota radio program, AM950 to discuss a critical ruling in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, which ruled in favor of businesses and their “first amendment” right not to disclose whether their minerals are sourced from conflict-torn areas, like the Congo.
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End-of-summer Reflection: Money, Politics, Corporations, and the Constitution

It’s been a busy summer for those of us fighting in the courts against constitutional challenges by big money interests and corporations seeking to strike down laws on everything from campaign contribution limits to the minimum wage. We’ve seen some important victories and we have been reminded there’s still work to be done.
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