Latest Developments

The Worst Government Money Can Buy

The Honorable James C. Nelson, a retired justice of the Montana Supreme Court and a member of the Legal Advisory Committee for Free Speech For People shared his latest op-ed with the Independent Record: “Ponder this: Every single civil right that corporations and nonhuman entities enjoy (and there’s a good number) have been created from
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Overturn Citizens United and get big money out of politics

In his latest piece in the Orlando Sentinel, Free Speech For People legal director Ron Fein writes, “Who do our politicians represent — their constituents or big funders? Consider the U.S. Sugar Corp. Maybe you share U.S. Sugar’s views about Florida’s tax, agricultural and environmental policies; maybe you don’t. But you didn’t give over $650,000
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Massachusetts Does Not Need More Money in Politics: Why State Legislators Should Not Increase Campaign Contribution Limits

Post, Massachusetts Does Not Need More Money in Politics: Why State Legislators Should Not Increase Campaign Contribution Limits. It begins: Let’s say you support a candidate for public office and you want to make a financial contribution to his or her campaign. How much could you afford to contribute? $5, $10 or $25? Maybe even $50?
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25,000 Postcards To Get Money Out Of Politics

This week Free Speech For People along with our partners at Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, sent over 25,000 postcards to Senators across the country to urge them to support an amendment to overturn Citizens United. For the Senators that already support one, we wrote a note to thank them for their continued support! With the full
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Unlimited money endangers ‘1-person, 1-vote’

“One person, one vote.” That’s a principle most Americans can get behind.” Read in this new op-ed from Legal Director Ron Fein and the Honorable James Nelson (a retired Justice of the Montana Supreme Court) on why this basic notion is being threatened by the new Lair v. Motl case in Montana where big money
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Highlights From Netroots Nation 2014: Campaign Finance, Detroit Water Crisis and What We Can Learn

Last week Free Speech For People traveled to Detroit for the 7th annual Netroots Nation conference featuring keynote speakers Vice President Joe Biden, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, and Rev. William Barber, the preacher behind North Carolina’s Moral Mondays. The keynote speakers all made points to include our current campaign finance system and how it requires dire
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House Democratic Leaders File Democracy For All Amendment To Limit Money in Politics

On Tuesday July 15th House Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi (CA-12) and U.S. Rep. John Larson (CT-1), Chairman of the House Elections Task Force, joined U.S. Reps. Ted Deutch (FL-21), Donna F. Edwards (MD-4), and Jim McGovern (MA-2) to file a Constitutional Amendment: “Democracy For All” which will limit money in politics. The press conference where
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Statement on Today’s Senate Judiciary Committee Vote in Support of a Constitutional Amendment to Reclaim Our Democracy

STATEMENT BY JOHN BONIFAZ, CO-FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT OF FREE SPEECH FOR PEOPLE, ON TODAY’S SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE VOTE IN SUPPORT OF A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT TO RECLAIM OUR DEMOCRACY American democracy is in crisis. Big money interests dominate our elections and our government, drowning out the voices of ordinary citizens and undermining the fundamental promise of political equality for
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