Latest Developments

FSFP President Debates Citizens United Lawyer James Bopp On C-Span

In May, Free Speech For People President John Bonifaz traveled to Miami, Florida to take part in a debate with the lawyer behind the infamous Citizens United case, James Bopp, about the 2010 decision as well as the Constitutional Amendment proposed to overturn it. The conference was a part of the Politcal Campaign Ethics Conference hosted by
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Hobby Lobby Ruling Fuels Amendment Push

A recent article in Roll Call, Hobby Lobby Ruling Fuels Amendment Push, highlights the national amendment movement to overturn Citizens United. The article also features a quote from Free Speech For People President, John Bonifaz. It begins: In its recent ruling to confer religious liberties on closely held corporations, the Supreme Court makes no mention of its 2010 Citizens United v.
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Statement By Justice James Nelson On The Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby Ruling

STATEMENT BY JUSTICE JAMES NELSON ON THE SUPREME COURT’S HOBBY LOBBY RULING Justice Nelson is a former Justice of the Montana Supreme Court and a Member of Free Speech For People’s Legal Advisory Committee The only Constitutional Rights with which Corporations as “persons” have been endowed, are those created from whole cloth by the SCOTUS. Trustees of Dartmouth
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Campaign Contribution Limits Under Fire in Montana

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – July 2, 2014 Contact: Ed Erikson, (202) 420-9947 or Ryan O’Donnell, (413) 335-9824 [email protected] Campaign Contribution Limits Under Fire in Montana Legal Advocacy Group Says American Political Equality is at Stake Free Speech For People, a national non-profit legal advocacy and public education organization, is joining the defense of Montana’s existing
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