Select 2010-2012 Amendment Bills Posted on February 12, 2013 (May 29, 2020) Democracy Amendments 2012 Amendment Bills Which of the 13 Amendment Bills Now in Play in Congress We Support, and Why Read the text of H.J. Res 100, introduced by Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Read the text of H.J. Res 111, introduced by Congressman Adam Schiff. 2011 Amendment Bills Read the text of H.J. Res 88, the People’s Rights Amendment,Read More
Making Money & Politics an Issue of Faith: a how-to memo from Auburn Seminary and Free Speech For People Posted on February 11, 2013 (November 23, 2020) Democracy Amendments In the fall of 2012, we worked with our friends at Auburn Seminary to help engage religious leaders in the campaign to overturn Citizens United with a constitutional amendment. We also worked with Isaac Luria of Auburn Seminary and Alexia Salvatierra of Faith Rooted Organizing to produce the memo below, summarizing our shared findings from this project. A downloadable PDF is available here. The full text is pasted below. Read More
Free Speech For People Delivers Testimony in Senate Committee Hearing for Washington State Resolution Posted on February 11, 2013 (November 23, 2020) Defending Key Reforms Last week, we joined with a coalition of Washington State groups to deliver testimony at a state Senate Governmental Operations Committee hearing on SJM 8002, a joint memorial that would call on Congress to get big money out of politics. Supporters of the resolution filled the hearing room and represented cities and towns from across Washington State. Free Speech For People staff, Arielle Davis and Oske Buckley, provided testimony, which may be viewed, below. Read More
Representatives Nolan and Pocan Introduce ‘We the People’ Amendment Posted on February 11, 2013 (November 23, 2020) Democracy Amendments On Monday, February 11, Move to Amend announced the introduction in Congress of the ‘We the People’ amendment by Representative Rick Nolan and Representative Mark Pocan. The amendment states: "Rights recognized under the Constitution belong to human beings only, and not to government-created artificial legal entities such as corporations and limited liability companies; and Political campaign spending is not a form of speech protected under the First Amendment." Read More
Today, ask Congressman Jim McGovern anything, on Reddit Posted on February 6, 2013 (November 23, 2020) Democracy Amendments Update: the AMA is now live, here. Later today, there’s a great opportunity to have your questions about the campaign for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United answered by our champion on Capitol Hill, Rep. Jim McGovern. Rep. Jim McGovern will be hosting an “Ask Me Anything” session on the website Reddit, from 3pm to 4pm eastern time (12 noon to 1pm Pacific time) today. Read More
Capitol Hill Leaders urge President Obama to use State of the Union to Call for Amendment to Address Citizens United Posted on January 31, 2013 (November 20, 2020) Democracy Amendments FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJanuary 31, 2013 Edwards, McGovern, Deutch, Perlmutter, and Kaptur urge President Obama to use State of the Union to Call for Constitutional Amendment to Address Citizens United Read More
Jim McGovern’s Constitutional Amendments To Repeal Citizens United Gain Steam On Reddit Posted on January 31, 2013 (November 20, 2020) Democracy Amendments Huffington Post John Stephens January 30, 2013 Read More
Bucking Citizens United: Valley Congressman Jim McGovern fights to stem the flood of special interest money in elections. Posted on January 29, 2013 (November 20, 2020) Democracy Amendments Maureen Turner The Valley Advocate January 29, 2013 Excerpt: "The effort picked up speed quickly, helped along by Powell’s appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court by Richard Nixon. “Over the following years, a divided Supreme Court … transformed the First Amendment into a powerful tool for corporations seeking to evade democratic control and sidestep sound public welfare measures,” Clements said. Read More
New York Times: Citizens United-enabled “Secret Donors Finance Fight Against Hagel” Posted on January 28, 2013 (November 20, 2020) Democracy Amendments A top story in the Sunday Times detailed how secret donors are exploiting their ability to give large sums anonymously, post-Citizens-United, to mount an unusually aggressive campaign to defeat the nomination of former Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE) for Secretary of Defense. Here are a few key excerpts (emphasis in bold is added). Read More
Maine citizens rally for a constitutional amendment, with bipartisan support Posted on January 26, 2013 (November 20, 2020) Democracy Amendments This has been a busy week, with the McGovern bills being introduced and with our White House petition hitting the 25k threshold. Another big deal this week was a rally in Augusta, Maine, organized by our friends at Maine Citizens For Clean Elections, in support of a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. Our co-founder and President, Jeff Clements, participated, and there was a terrific turnout. The campaign for an amendment is well underway in Maine, with bipartisan support. Here are excerpts from a few great press clips on it: Read More