Latest Developments

Excellent CNN radio piece: “The Biggest Election Fight You’re Missing”

Here’s an excellent story on CNN radio about how Montana’s upcoming vote on I-166 ties into so many values Americans everywhere hold sacred.

It’s well worth your 10 minutes to listen:

It’s dated October 12th, and it’s called "The Biggest Election Fight You’re Missing", by Lisa Desjarins of CNN.

Free Speech For People is helping to support the campaign for I-166 in Montana.

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Reformers Applaud Temporary Reinstatement of Montana’s Campaign Money Limits

Note Need for I-166 to Bolster Permanent Protection

HELENA – Campaign finance reform advocates welcomed action by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to stay a lower court ruling that struck down limits on campaign contributions to Montana state candidates just days before Montana’s ballot were mailed. The action means that the limits will be reinstated through the election.

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Romney agrees: “We’ve got to get the money out of the teachers unions going into campaigns.”

It’s being widely reported that Mitt Romney yesterday called for limits on campaign spending by teachers’ unions. A blog post at The Nation puts this succinctly in perspective.

The constitutional amendments we support would even-handedly enable the elimination of politcal contributions from for-profit corporations, incorporated non-profits, and incorporated labor unions alike. (For more on this, see our analysis of various bills here.)

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