Latest Developments

AP: 22 states join campaign finance fight

The Attorneys General of 22 states, plus D.C., have filed an amicus brief before the Supreme Court, asking the Court to uphold Montana’s law barring corporate money from elections.  New York Attorney General Ecric Schneiderman led the the filing of this brief.

Excerpt from the AP story:

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Senators McCain & Whitehouse call on Supreme Court to let Montana’s law stand.

Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) have just filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court that echoes the arguments we made in our own brief. 

Free Speech For People’s amicus brief was the first such brief filed in this case, and we also led the filing of a brief in the state court case that is now being appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Senators Urge Supreme Court to Uphold Law Banning Corporate Donations

By Eliza Newlin Carney
Roll Call Staff
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Can Montana Brief End Citizens United?

Montana’s attorney general is due to file a brief Friday in the U.S. Supreme Court, asking it to uphold the state’s Corrupt Practices Act. This 1906 law prohibits corporations from making expenditures on behalf of candidates in Montana elections.

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Seattle calls for an amendment to overturn Citizens United and make it clear that corporations don’t have constitutional rights.

Great news from Seattle: Yesterday, the City Council there voted 8-0 to adopt Resolution 31380, joining more than 100 municipalities and four states so far in asking Congress to overturn the Citizens United ruling. Specifically, the Seattle resolution calls on Congress to amend the United States Constitution to make clear:

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Rhode Island is now 4th state to call for an amendment

Rhode Island has just become the 4th state to officially call for a U.S. constitutional amendment:

"to effectively overturn the holding of Citizens United and it’s [sic] progeny and to permit the governments of the United States and the several states to regulate and restrict independent political expenditures by corporations and wealthy individuals"

For the complete text of state resolution H 7899, click here.

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