Latest Developments

Vermont becomes 3rd U.S. State to call for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United

Vermont today became the third U.S. state to pass a resolution calling for a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling.

Both houses of Vermont’s state legislature have now passed a resolution calling for a constitutional amendment "that provides that money is not speech and corporations are not persons". The resolution is visible here.)

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Jeff Clements video on the historical context of our campaign to overturn Citizens United

If you’re on your computer this weekend and not scrambling to finish your taxes, you might enjoy a look at this video featuring our co-founder, Jeff Clements.

Jeff puts our campaign for a Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United in historical context, including the major moves by corporatist forces on the Supreme Court leading up to Citizens United, and also the many ways people have risen up in the past to over-rule the court, by amending the consitution to restore or expand democracy for the people.

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Vermont Senate calls for Amendment to overturn Citizens United.

The Vermont state Senate voted on Wednesday to call for a Constitutional Amendment saying that corporations are not people.

The vote was 26-3, and included support from five of the state Senate’s eight Republican members.

The Vermont state House is expected to vote shortly.

We congratulate and thank our friends at Public Citizen and Move to Amend for leading this effort in Vermont.

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