Latest Developments

Corporations are people too? Not in Montana! At least for now.

Michael Bobelian


January 5, 2012

The fallout from the Supreme Court’s 2010 seminal opinion – Citizens United v. FEC – voiding restrictions on election-related speech by corporations (along with labor unions and non-profits) continues to reverberate as we inch along the presidential campaign.  Many political observers are wondering how corporate money will influence the election?

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Ask the Presidential Candidates Whether They Support Corporate Spending in Our Elections

This coming Saturday and Sunday, the Republican presidential candidates will face off in two nationally-televised debates on the eve of the New Hampshire primary. In each debate, people from across the country have the opportunity to submit questions to be asked of the candidates. We should seize this opportunity to ensure that the question of corporate personhood and corporate spending in our elections becomes part of the presidential debate.

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