Latest Developments

New Mexico House Votes for a Constitutional Amendment to Over-rule Citizens United

Along with allied groups including Common Cause and the Center for Civic Policy, we won a major victory in New Mexico yesterday, when the State House of Representatives approved a memorial (a.k.a. resolution or bill) calling for a Constitutional Amendment to over-rule Citizens United. Here’s the story from our friends at the Center for Civic
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Senate President Describes Super-PACS as Destructive Force

By Kyle Cheney

STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, JAN. 31, 2012…..Senate President Therese Murray said Tuesday that she would urge Congress to amend the U.S. Constitution to diminish the influence of corporate spending in elections, arguing the advent of so-called Super PACs is “destroying the civility of the political process.”

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Why campaign spending rules hurt small business

By David Brodwin, Special to CNN


January 26, 2012

(CNN) — Two years ago, the Supreme Court upended the rules for campaign finance, unleashing a tsunami of unregulated, unrestricted and undisclosed spending that has, in effect, allowed donors to buy elections. The full impact of this decision is just now becoming clear, and it’s bad both for America’s businesses and for our democracy.

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Speaker makes case to overturn Citizens United

By Nancy Brumback/Special to the Town Crier

Wicked Local Sudbury

January 25, 2012

Jeff Clements, author and activist, called on citizens to support a Constitutional amendment overturning the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision and got a pledge Tuesday from a Sudbury state legislator to do just that.

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Montana Takes on Citizens United


New York Times

January 23, 2012

Two years ago, when the Supreme Court struck down bans on independent corporate and union expenditures in elections in the Citizens United case, Justice Anthony Kennedy’s majority opinion claimed that money does not “give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption.” While it might result in “influence over or access to elected officials,” he wrote, it is not the same as bribery.

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