Latest Developments

FSFP President John Bonifaz Discusses Our Legal Challenge To Rep. Madison Cawthorn’s Candidacy For Re-election Under Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment’s Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause on The BradCast.

FSFP President John Bonifaz recently appeared on The BradCast to discuss our legal challenge to Rep. Madison Cawthorn’s candidacy for reelection under the Fourteenth Amendment’s Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause, based on evidence that he engaged in or gave aid or comfort to the January 6, 2021 insurrection. “This complaint is designed to defend democracy and to
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FSFP Chairman and Senior Legal Advisor Ben Clements Authors New Oped on Why The DOJ Must Reject Calls For Recently-Confirmed Antitrust Official to Recuse Himself from The Department’s Case Against Google.

Jurist recently published a new oped by FSFP Chairman and Senior Legal Adviser Ben Clements on why the Department Of Justice must reject calls for the recently-confirmed Associate Attorney General for Antitrust, Jonathan Kanter, to recuse himself from the Department’s case against Google. The following is an excerpt from the new piece: By arguing that
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FSFP Legal Director Ron Fein Discusses Our Legal Challenge To Rep. Madison Cawthorn’s Candidacy for Reelection Under Fourteenth Amendment’s Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause On CNN.

FSFP Legal Director Ron Fein recently joined Erin Burnett Outfront on CNN to discuss our legal challenge to Rep. Madison Cawthorn’s candidacy for reelection under the Fourteenth Amendment’s Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause, based on evidence that he helped facilitate the January 6, 2021 insurrection. “When we have Members of Congress or other officials who are taking
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Citizens United Anniversary.

Twelve years ago today, the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission swept away a century of precedent that barred corporate money in our elections and opened the floodgates to corporations spending limitless sums of money to take over our elections. And lower federal courts have gone even further, prohibiting Congress from
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Remote Summer 2022 Legal Internships at Free Speech For People

Come join the campaign to reclaim democracy for the people by fighting for free and fair elections, and accountability for presidential corruption and abuse of power, in the summer of 2022! Free Speech For People, a national nonpartisan nonprofit organization, was founded in 2010 after the Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. FEC decision.  We’re working
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FSFP Legal Director Ron Fein Discusses Our Recent Challenge To Rep. Madison Cawthorn’s 2022 Candidacy Based On the Fourteenth Amendment’s Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause on CNN.

FSFP Legal Director Ron Fein appeared on CNN to discuss our recent challenge to Rep. Madison Cawthorn’s 2022 candidacy based on the Fourteenth Amendment’s Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause, which bars insurrectionists from future office. “The definition of engaging in an insurrection is more than just the people who stormed the Capitol building and attacked the police
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FSFP Legal Director Ron Fein Discusses Our Campaign to Ban Insurrectionists from Future Office on The Young Turks.

FSFP Legal Director Ron Fein appeared on The Young Turks to discuss 14point3 — our campaign urging Secretaries of State and chief election officials nationwide to abide by Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment and ban Trump and other insurrectionists from the ballot. “Just like you would have to be twenty-five years old to run
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New York State Senate Cracks Down on Multinational Corporations Interfering in State Elections, Passes Democracy Preservation Act

If passed in the Assembly and signed into law, New York would be the first state to ban multinational corporate money in elections. ALBANY, NY (January 10, 2022) – The New York State Senate today passed, with bipartisan support, the Democracy Preservation Act (S1126), a bill designed to end the influence of foreign corporate money
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North Carolina Voters Challenge Rep. Madison Cawthorn’s Candidacy for Reelection Under Fourteenth Amendment’s Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause

First Such Challenge to Candidate Eligibility Filed Since the Reconstruction Era RALEIGH, NC – A group of North Carolina voters has filed a legal challenge to U.S. Representative Madison Cawthorn’s 2022 candidacy. The challenge, filed before the North Carolina State Board of Elections, alleges that Cawthorn is constitutionally disqualified from public office under the Fourteenth
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FSFP Legal Director Ron Fein and Campaign Director Alexandra Flores-Quilty Co-Author New Oped One Year After January 6th Insurrection Urging Election Officials Nationwide to Abide by Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

USA Today published a new oped by FSFP Legal Director Ron Fein and Campaign Director Alexandra Flores-Quilty on why election officials nationwide have a duty to abide by Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment and bar insurrectionists such as Donald Trump from the ballot. “In order to protect our democracy from normalized violent uprisings, election
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