Latest Developments

We’ve heard from Mueller. Impeach Trump Now.

Forty-five years ago today, as President Nixon was on the brink of resignation, a freshman congresswoman from Texas delivered one of the most resounding speeches in the history of U.S. politics. Barbara Jordan, an African American member of the House Judiciary Committee, was tasked with determining the fate of a president under heavy scrutiny for
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National Advocacy Groups Deliver Letter to Reps Cohen and Raskin Urging Them to Initiate an Impeachment Inquiry

The letter details a procedural path for Rep. Steve Cohen and Rep. Jamie Raskin to begin an impeachment inquiry without further action by the full House or full Committee on the Judiciary. Representing millions of Americans, the letter is cosigned by: Free Speech For People, By the People, Common Defense, Courage Campaign, CREDO Action, Democracy
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Government Watchdogs Call on the New York Attorney General to Dissolve Trump’s Company and Revoke Its Corporate Charter

(NEW YORK, NY) – Free Speech For People (FSFP), a non-partisan legal advocacy organization, delivered today a letter to New York Attorney General Letitia James, calling for an investigation into whether to revoke the corporate charter of the Trump Organization under a New York law that authorizes her to dissolve a corporation for persistently illegal conduct or abuse of its powers.
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Congressman Al Green and Ron Fein in The Hill: Trump’s racist abuses demand impeachment

Rep. Al Green of Texas and Ron Fein have an op-ed in The Hill today entitled “Trump’s racist abuses demand impeachment.” The op-ed argues: The House of Representatives has passed a resolution condemning President Trump’s racist comments directed at four members of Congress, telling them to “go back” to other countries. But the House must do more than
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FSFP Welcomes Our New Communications Volunteer!

Free Speech For People is pleased to announce that Jacob Fridman will be joining as a volunteer to assist with our social media and communications work for the summer. Thank you, Jacob, for committing your time and talent to the team. Learn more about Jacob below!   Jacob Fridman is a rising junior at Gann
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Election Security Concerns Trigger Re-Examination of Voting Machines in Pennsylvania

Citizens for Better Elections, Free Speech For People, National Election Defense Coalition, and Protect Our Vote Philly Filed a Petition to the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Outlining 11 Deficiencies with the ExpressVote XL, Triggering a Mandatory Re-Examination PHILADELPHIA, PA (July 17, 2019) – A petition filed Tuesday on behalf of registered electors of
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Congressman Al Green To Force Vote on Impeachment of Donald Trump

(Houston, TX) – On Monday, July 15, 2019, Congressman Al Green released the following press release addressing his plans to bring articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump:  “The President of the United States is a racist, a bigot, a misogynist, as well as an invidious prevaricator. To say that Donald John Trump is unfit
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Washington Supreme Court Rules in Favor of “Democracy Voucher” Program

The Washington Supreme Court has rejected a challenge to the Honest Elections Seattle initiative (I-22), which created the city’s “democracy voucher” program. The public campaign financing program, instituted in 2015 and first used two years later, provides eligible Seattle residents with four $25 vouchers that they can use to support the candidates of their choice
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