Latest Developments

Voter Suppression Trial Wraps Up in Texas

The US District Court in San Antonio heard closing arguments this week in our lawsuit against Texas to challenge key provisions of SB 1, one of the harshest and most sweeping pieces of voter suppression legislation in decades. During the trial, we heard testimony from voters who struggled to vote due to the barriers imposed
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Judicial Crisis, Senate Action Letter

Full Letter | Judicial Crisis Wednesday, January 31, 2024 Dear Leader Schumer and Chair Durbin, We write to express our grave concern regarding the revelations and allegations surrounding special interest judicial influence, corruption, lack of ethical standards, and apparent lawbreaking by justices on the Supreme Court. These revelations have severe and far-reaching consequences on the
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Former state supreme court justices urge U.S. Supreme Court to affirm Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling finding Trump disqualified under Fourteenth Amendment

A group of former state supreme court justices filed an amicus brief before the U.S. Supreme Court in Trump v. Anderson urging the Court to affirm the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling that Donald Trump is disqualified under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment. The justices served as associate and chief justices of state supreme courts
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Free Speech For People Statement on Illinois State Officers Electoral Board Decision

CHICAGO — The Illinois State Officers Electoral Board rejected today a challenge, under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, to Donald Trump’s eligibility to appear on the state’s presidential primary and general election ballot, which a diverse group of Illinois voters initiated on January 4, 2024. The challengers will immediately appeal and expect the issues
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Statement by Free Speech For People and Lichten & Liss-Riordan on Single Justice Ruling of Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court

On January 29, 2024, Associate Justice Frank M. Gaziano of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, sitting as a single justice, denied an emergency petition by individual Massachusetts voters challenging Donald Trump’s eligibility to appear on the state’s presidential primary and general election ballot. The challengers are a mix of Republican, Independent, and Democratic voters and
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Republican judge finds that Trump engaged in insurrection and is disqualified under Section 3 of the Fourteenth amendment; ultimate decision must come from higher court

Former Illinois Judge Clark Erickson, acting as hearing officer on voters’ challenge to Trump’s eligibility, issues recommendation to the Illinois State Officers Electoral Board, which will vote on it on Tuesday. Judge finds that the electoral board does not have the authority to decide the challenge on the merits, but recommends that, if the board
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Voters Challenging Trump’s Eligibility in Massachusetts Ask Supreme Judicial Court to Declare Trump Ineligible

In an emergency appeal to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Plaintiffs ask the court to either uphold the US Constitution by barring Trump from the ballot or rule on the question of jurisdiction for the State Ballot Law Commission to proceed on merits.  BOSTON, MA (January 23, 2024) – Free Speech For People (FSFP), along
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Over $67 Million Spent To Influence Elections, New OpenSecrets Report Highlights the Role of Foreign-Influenced Corporations’ Spending in Washington State Elections

State and National Advocates Urge the Washington Legislature to Take Action to Pass HB 1885 and Defend Democracy SEATTLE, WA (January 23, 2024) – Open Secrets, a national research and government transparency group, released a new case study today of state-level political expenditures by foreign-influenced corporations.  Of the six states detailed in the report, Washington State
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Voters Challenging Trump’s Eligibility Urge Massachusetts Ballot Law Commission to Grant Motion for Summary Decision in 14.3 Case

Free Speech For People, along with nationally recognized litigator Shannon Liss-Riordan of the Massachusetts-based civil rights firm Lichten & Liss-Riordan, P.C., filed a motion today with the Massachusetts Ballot Law Commission, arguing that the Commission should rely on the central factual and legal findings at the heart of the voters-challengers’ case to bar Donald Trump
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