Latest Developments

Public Interest Groups to EPA: Constitution Forbids Weakening Clean Water Protections to Benefit Trump’s Golf Courses

Free Speech For People and the New Jersey-based Raritan Headwaters Association filed a comment arguing that the Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are constitutionally prohibited from relaxing a Clean Water Act protection so as to benefit presidentially-owned golf courses. Background The process for this rule has been somewhat complex. In 2015,
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Ron Fein on Rising Up With Sonali: What Does the End of the Mueller Probe Mean?

Last week, Free Speech For People Legal Director, Ron Fein, sat down with Sonali Kolhatkar, on Rising Up With Sonali, to discuss the end of the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and its implications for Trump’s future. In his summary, Attorney General William Barr quotes Mueller’s report directly: “while this report does not conclude
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Ron Fein and Larry Tribe for the New York Daily News: Close N.Y.’s double jeopardy loophole before Trump starts issuing pardons

In an editorial for the New York Daily News, Free Speech For People Legal Director, Ron Fein, and Harvard Law Professor, Laurence Tribe, discuss the urgent need for the New York Legislature to close a double jeopardy loophole in state law which may currently allow certain defendants pardoned by the president for their federal crimes
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Campaign Finance Without Facts: McCutcheon v. FEC on its Fifth Anniversary

April 2 is the five-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission. In that case, the Court struck down contribution limits that limited any one person from giving more than $123,200 to all federal campaigns, parties, and political committees combined. The Court dismissed as “divorced from reality” concerns about how
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Trump’s hush money payments to influence the election are grounds for impeachment

President Trump has been directly implicated—by his own personal lawyer—in a criminal conspiracy to illegally influence the election. This justifies an impeachment investigation. Facts On August 21, 2018, President Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges. Two of those charges stem directly from criminal actions that he took at the direction
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Impeachment Inquiry Resolution Formally Introduced into House of Representatives

A resolution to authorize the House Judiciary Committee to launch an impeachment inquiry has been introduced into the House of Representatives by Representative Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, joined by Representative Al Green of Texas. The resolution is patterned on the February 1974 resolution that authorized an impeachment inquiry against President Richard Nixon. As we explained
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Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib to Introduce Impeachment Resolution

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib will introduce this week a resolution to formally begin an impeachment investigation of the President. The resolution will address multiple impeachable offenses committed by the President, including violations of the Foreign and Domestic Emoluments Clauses of the Constitution, illegal payments made to influence the 2016 Presidential election, and obstruction of justice. While
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