Latest Developments

Free Speech For People Joins Allies Supporting Transparency in Presidential Pardons

Today, a coalition of organizations including Protect Democracy, Free Speech For People, and others sent a letter to Congressman Adam Schiff, who has introduced a bill designed to improve transparency in presidential pardons. The key part of Schiff’s bill says: In the event that the President grants an individual a pardon for an offense against
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Free Speech For People to Massachusetts Elections Agency: Close Campaign Finance Loophole

Free Speech For People submitted a comment to the Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance urging it to close a longstanding, bureaucratically-created exception to the state’s campaign finance statutes.  The arbitrary loophole allow politically savvy groups to avoid registering as political committees in Massachusetts while donating up to $15,000 directly to candidates. That’s 30
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Watch Now: John Bonifaz on Democracy Now!

Thursday, March 14, Free Speech For People Co-Founder and President, John Bonifaz, was on Democracy Now! to make the case for why Congress must immediately begin impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump. Watch the interview below and read the transcript on Democracy Now!
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INTRODUCTION In 2015, Free Speech For People began developing a legal strategy to bring new test cases that could win at the Supreme Court, even under the Roberts Court as it existed at that time. These test cases were designed to make jurisprudential progress without challenging Citizens United, and assumed that we would need to get
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For The People Act Will Protect and Strengthen our Democracy

For too long, big money interests have been drowning out the voices of everyday Americans and corrupting our political process. And, combined with that, our right to vote today is under attack by voter suppression efforts across the country. Thanks to millions of people from all across the country demanding Congress take action, the House
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Watch The Case For Impeaching Trump

Has President Trump committed impeachable offenses? Watch former Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman, Free Speech For People Legal Director Ron Fein, and Fordham Law Professor Jed Shugerman discuss the case for impeaching Trump.
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Will New Hampshire Become the 20th State to Call for a 28th Amendment?

The New Hampshire House of Representatives voted today to pass HB504 to end big money in politics and partisan gerrymandering. The bi-partisan legislation puts New Hampshire on track to be the twentieth state to call on Congress to propose an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to overturn Citizens United v. FEC and Buckley v. Valeo
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Rep. Rashida Tlaib Plans to Introduce a Resolution to Start Impeachment Proceedings Against President Trump

At a press conference held on Wednesday, March 6, Representative Rashida Tlaib announced that she plans to file a resolution this month to start an impeachment investigation of President Trump. Representative Tlaib emphasized the urgency of impeachment and addressed concerns: “I think every single colleague of mine agrees there’s impeachable offenses. That’s one thing that
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