Latest Developments

Impeach Trump Advocacy Day Press Conference

Need To Impeach and Free Speech For People hosted a press conference last month ahead of an impeach Trump advocacy day on Capitol Hill where 300 citizens from across the country met with their Members of Congress to deliver draft articles of impeachment and copies of the book The Constitution Demands It: The Case For
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State Legislators Lead the Fight to Defend The Constitution by Calling for Impeachment Proceedings against President Trump

State legislators in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania have introduced resolutions calling on Congress to begin impeachment proceedings now against President Trump, citing 10 legal grounds for impeachment. BOSTON, MA (Wednesday, February 27) – Massachusetts and Pennsylvania legislators have introduced resolutions calling on Congress to start impeachment proceedings now against President Donald Trump.  The resolutions cite ten
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Trump’s Abuse of Emergency Powers is Another Ground for Impeachment

President Trump has declared a national emergency in order to build a wall across the southern border of the United States without congressional authorization. This is a ground for impeachment: abusing emergency powers to fund and build a border wall that Congress has explicitly refused to fund.  Background The Framers of the Constitution gave each
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Statement in Support of HR1

Free Speech For People joined a national coalition of public interest organizations in a written statement for the record in support of HR1, which includes reforms essential to fixing our political system, including voting rights, money-in-politics, redistricting and government ethics reforms. The statement has been submitted to the House Committees on Administration and Homeland Security.
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Remembering Congressman Walter Jones

We at Free Speech For People were sad to learn of the passing of Representative Walter Jones (R-NC3). Representative Jones was a strong supporter of campaign finance reform. We were proud to work with him as one of the lead plaintiffs in Lieu v. Federal Election Commission, the case that could end super PACs (watch
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Free Speech For People Seeking to Hire Public Interest Attorney

Free Speech For People is seeking a public interest attorney, preferably with social justice, campaign finance, and/or election law experience, to come join cutting-edge non-profit. Free Speech For People, a national nonpartisan nonprofit organization, was founded on the day of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. FEC decision. We’ve been working since then to get big money
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Ben Clements and Ron Fein in the Boston Globe: The case for starting impeachment hearings against Trump

In an op-ed in the Boston Globe (online and print), Free Speech For People’s Board Chair Ben Clements and Legal Director Ron Fein argue the case for starting impeachment hearings. The op-ed rebuts a common argument against impeachment by explaining how impeachment actually works: It’s time to begin impeachment hearings against President Trump. The political-media
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