Latest Developments

New Bills Would Abolish Super PACS and End Foreign Corporate Money in MA Elections

State Legislators Seek to Protect the Integrity of Elections in Massachusetts State legislators have introduced two bills in both houses of the Massachusetts state legislature to abolish super PACs and to prohibit spending by foreign-influenced corporations in Massachusetts elections. One bill, which Senator Jo Comerford and Senator Mark Montigny are co-sponsoring in the Senate as
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Free Speech For People Joins National Impeachment Summit

Earlier this week, Free Speech For People joined Need to Impeach for a critical two-day Impeachment Summit. The Summit featured a panel by Free Speech for People legal experts, a press conference, activist trainings, and an advocacy day. On Monday, our legal experts addressed over 250 activists from around the country on the 10 legal
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New Resources on Impeachment from Free Speech For People for Members of Congress

On January 29, 2019, Free Speech For People joined Need to Impeach and activists from across the country to deliver new resources to members of Congress to immediately begin impeachment proceedings against the President for his continued lawlessness and ever-increasing egregious abuses of power. The day of action concluded a three-day Impeachment Summit gathering organizers
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Today in History: Buckley v. Valeo

January 30 is the 43rd anniversary of Buckley v. Valeo, the 1976 Supreme Court case that set the foundation for four decades of problematic and often unworkable jurisprudence impeding society’s ability to put limits on the influence of big money in elections. It didn’t have to be that way. In 1975, the Court of Appeals
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Resolution for Impeachment Proceedings Against President Introduced in MA State Senate

Massachusetts is poised to become the first state to pass a resolution calling on Congress to begin impeachment proceedings against the President. On January 24, 2019, Massachusetts State Senator Jo Comerford introduced Resolution SD. 1565, drafted from our model resolution and citing our ten legal grounds for impeachment, urging Congress to conduct an impeachment investigation of
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Will Bunch for The Philadelphia Inquirer: The huge problem with Mueller’s Trump-Russia probe that no one talks about

In an article for The Philadelphia Inquirer, Will Bunch calls for Congress to launch an impeachment inquiry into the President, in parallel with the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Bunch notes Congress has delegated its responsibility to hold the President accountable for his impeachable offenses to Mueller, stating, “Congress and other key players have
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Trump Reportedly Ordered Michael Cohen to Lie to Congress

According to a bombshell new report by BuzzFeed News, President Trump personally ordered his former attorney, Michael Cohen, to lie to Congress about Trump’s efforts to pursue a real estate deal in Moscow. As background, throughout the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump denied any efforts to pursue deals in Russia. In 2017, Michael Cohen testified to
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The Atlantic: Impeach Donald Trump

The March 2019 issue of The Atlantic features an important piece by historian Yoni Applebaum, in which he lays out the case for why we must begin the impeachment process against President Trump. Applebaum details Trump’s many constitutional violations in his article: …[Trump] has mounted a concerted challenge to the separation of powers, to the
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Inspector General: GSA Ignored Constitutional Problems with Trump Hotel Lease

The Office of Inspector General of the General Services Administration issued a scathing report on “Evaluation of GSA’s Management and Administration of the Old Post Office Building Lease.” As the Inspector General concludes, GSA lawyers essentially ignored a glaring constitutional problem with leasing this federally-owned building to the Trump Organization. As background, the GSA administers
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