Category: Impeachment

John Bonifaz discusses impeachment on “Counterpoint”

On Monday, Free Speech For People President John Bonifaz sat down with Scott Harris on “Counterpoint” to discuss the ongoing impeachment inquiry against President Trump. Following the first week of public hearings, John weighed in on the key takeaways from the current investigation, why the scope of the inquiry should be expanded, and how citizens
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Ron Fein Returns To Rising Up With Sonali To Discuss The First Day of Public Impeachment Hearings

Free Speech For People Legal Director Ron Fein appeared on Rising Up With Sonali to discuss the first day of public hearings for the ongoing impeachment investigation of Donald Trump. Wednesday’s public testimony featured acting U.S Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent who gave Congress their accounts of
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“Lead with Moral Courage,” National Advocacy Groups Publish Draft Articles of Impeachment and Urge Congress Act as Representatives of the People

Drafted by Free Speech For People, and published by a coalition including By The People, CREDO Action, Free Speech For People and Women’s March, the articles of impeachment cover the full range of Trump’s abuses of power. WASHINGTON, D.C. — A coalition of national advocacy groups representing millions of people released draft articles of impeachment
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Statement of Free Speech For People Regarding Passage of H. Res. 660

We launched our impeachment campaign on January 20, 2017, the day of President Trump’s inauguration, because of his immediate and serious violations of the Constitution’s anti-corruption emoluments clauses. We welcome yesterday’s action by the House of Representatives specifying rules for its ongoing impeachment inquiry. However, we continue to be concerned that the House’s process is
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Expose the cover-up

Buried in the whistleblower complaint which exposed the Ukraine scandal is this alarming claim: the Trump White House has been abusing a computer system for highly classified intelligence information to cover up transcripts of presidential calls with foreign leaders which are “politically sensitive.” The White House placed in that system the transcript of the July
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Ron Fein & Laurence Tribe In The Boston Globe: House Should Expand the Scope of Its Impeachment Inquiry To Include Trump’s Abuse Of the Pardon Power 

In a recent Boston Globe piece FSFP Legal Director Ron Fein and Harvard Law School professor Laurence Tribe make a strong case for broadening the scope of the ongoing impeachment inquiry to include Donald Trump’s abuse of the pardon power. Citing Trump’s unlawful pardon of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio in 2017, they argue that
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Trump’s War in Yemen Against Congressional Opposition is an Impeachable Offense

Six months after Congress expressly disapproved US military action in Yemen, the war continues unabated. Congress has additional tools available to restrict or end US involvement. But as Congress’s impeachment inquiry moves forward, there’s another question: Is President Trump’s ongoing prosecution of military action in Yemen in defiance of congressional opposition a ground for impeachment?
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Watch: John Bonifaz and Chris Hedges Debate Impeachment on Democracy Now!

Free Speech For People President John Bonifaz joined Democracy Now! this week for a debate with journalist Chris Hedges on whether or not Congress should impeach President Trump.  House leadership reached a breaking point last month when a whistleblower disclosed that Trump had solicited foreign assistance from the Ukrainian Government to help him in his
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#ImpeachNow: A Historic Moment In Our Fight To Hold Trump Accountable

We have reached a historic moment in the movement to hold Donald Trump accountable for his high crimes via the impeachment process. 224 Members of Congress, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, are now on record supporting an impeachment inquiry of the president. More than 80 Members of Congress, including the Speaker, joined that call last
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New Report on When Bigotry Rises to the Level of an Impeachable Offense, from Coalition of National Advocacy Groups

WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 25, 2019) – Along with President Trump’s many other impeachable offenses—including, most recently, illegally soliciting the government of Ukraine to assist his own re-election campaign—a coalition of national advocacy groups has released a new report outlining the argument for President Trump’s impeachment on the basis of his racist abuses of power. Authored
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