#ImpeachTrump: Act to Defend Democracy on June 15 Posted on June 7, 2019 (June 18, 2020) Impeachment We hope you can join us next Saturday, June 15, for a national day of action to demand an impeachment inquiry of Donald Trump. This is your opportunity to get involved directly in the fight to hold the president accountable to the law! As more members of Congress join the call for an impeachment inquiry,Read More
Organizations Urge Congress to Investigate Justice Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Posted on April 18, 2019 (April 18, 2019) Impeachment On April 11, 2019, Free Speech For People joined Demand Justice and a coalition of sexual assault survivors’ organizations and other progressive groups to urge House Democrats to investigate Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation. Free Speech For People first called for an impeachment investigation of Brett Kavanaugh in October 2018, due to multiple allegationsRead More
Trump’s hush money payments to influence the election are grounds for impeachment Posted on April 1, 2019 (April 1, 2019) Impeachment President Trump has been directly implicated—by his own personal lawyer—in a criminal conspiracy to illegally influence the election. This justifies an impeachment investigation. Facts On August 21, 2018, President Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges. Two of those charges stem directly from criminal actions that he took at the directionRead More
Impeachment and Attacking the Freedom of the Press: A Lesson from History Posted on March 31, 2019 (March 31, 2019) Impeachment April 1 marks the anniversary of the impeachment of a federal judge who was impeached nearly a century ago for misconduct that included abusing his power to attack the press. As we explained in The Constitution Demands It: The Case for the Impeachment of Donald Trump, one major reason for the House of Representatives notRead More
Impeachment Inquiry Resolution Formally Introduced into House of Representatives Posted on March 28, 2019 (March 28, 2019) Impeachment A resolution to authorize the House Judiciary Committee to launch an impeachment inquiry has been introduced into the House of Representatives by Representative Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, joined by Representative Al Green of Texas. The resolution is patterned on the February 1974 resolution that authorized an impeachment inquiry against President Richard Nixon. As we explainedRead More
Watch The Case For Impeaching Trump Posted on March 11, 2019 (March 11, 2019) Impeachment Has President Trump committed impeachable offenses? Watch former Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman, Free Speech For People Legal Director Ron Fein, and Fordham Law Professor Jed Shugerman discuss the case for impeaching Trump.Read More
State Legislators Lead the Fight to Defend The Constitution by Calling for Impeachment Proceedings against President Trump Posted on February 27, 2019 Impeachment State legislators in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania have introduced resolutions calling on Congress to begin impeachment proceedings now against President Trump, citing 10 legal grounds for impeachment. BOSTON, MA (Wednesday, February 27) – Massachusetts and Pennsylvania legislators have introduced resolutions calling on Congress to start impeachment proceedings now against President Donald Trump. The resolutions cite tenRead More
The Case For Impeaching Trump at Fordham University Posted on February 20, 2019 (February 22, 2019) Impeachment Read More
Trump’s Abuse of Emergency Powers is Another Ground for Impeachment Posted on February 15, 2019 (February 21, 2019) Impeachment President Trump has declared a national emergency in order to build a wall across the southern border of the United States without congressional authorization. This is a ground for impeachment: abusing emergency powers to fund and build a border wall that Congress has explicitly refused to fund. Background The Framers of the Constitution gave eachRead More
Ben Clements and Ron Fein in the Boston Globe: The case for starting impeachment hearings against Trump Posted on February 4, 2019 Impeachment In an op-ed in the Boston Globe (online and print), Free Speech For People’s Board Chair Ben Clements and Legal Director Ron Fein argue the case for starting impeachment hearings. The op-ed rebuts a common argument against impeachment by explaining how impeachment actually works: It’s time to begin impeachment hearings against President Trump. The political-mediaRead More