Voter suppression shouldn’t be a campaign strategy. Social media giants shouldn’t be trying to suppress the vote of people who might not vote for their owners’ or advertisers’ preferred candidates. But that is exactly what is happening. And it is why Congress must act now to pass the Big Tech Accountability Act.

A recent news report revealed that America PAC, a super PAC founded and backed by Elon Musk, has paid for Google ads with two insidious purposes: to trick voters in swing states into believing that they have registered to vote when in fact they have not; and to trick voters into providing America PAC with their personal data, including their ages, cell phone numbers, and addresses.

Voter suppression campaigns are using social media to deceive thousands to millions of voters about their rights, their voting status, and who is gathering their personal information. Our laws aren’t yet equipped to stop the powerful forces orchestrating these campaigns.

This is why we need Congress to pass the Big Tech Accountability Act.

The Big Tech Accountability Act is a model bill that would prohibit the dissemination of vote-suppressing misinformation, and enable enforcement against the author and the social media companies that amplify the messages. It also will allow both the U.S. Attorney General and private citizens—including voters who are harmed and organizations who expend resources to correct the misinformation—to bring lawsuits for damages and to block offenders from continuing their misinformation campaigns.

It is past time for Congress to enact this critical legislation to ensure that social media companies are held accountable when they amplify disinformation on their platforms at the expense of voters, their rights, and our democracy.

SIGN IF YOU AGREE: We must hold super PACs and social media companies accountable for amplifying disinformation and suppressing the right to vote.