Posted on September 9, 2015 (September 9, 2015) Share: Do you have a $1,000 idea to get big money out of our democracy? We want to hear it! In collaboration with a network of partners, Free Speech For People joined Say No to Big Money and People For the American Way, to co-sponsor the Democracy For All Video Challenge, a contest bringing awareness to a constitutional amendment to overturn cases like Citizens United. The contest features $64,000 worth of prizes, with weekly winners of $1,000. The final week of the contest will award five category prizes of $5,000 and a grand prize winner will receive $25,000. The goal of the contest is two-fold: to encourage activists and filmmakers, both brand-new and experienced, to create videos highlighting the need for money in politics reform, and to use those videos to inspire action in support of the Democracy For All Amendment. We created a video to inspire entries. Watch here. Since the contest launched, two winners have already been selected and awarded a cash prize of $1,000 each. You can check out an updated list of winners here. This week, 9th grader Simon Lundquist won the contest with his video entry on “Democramole”, and the week before a rapper from the San Francisco Bay area was the first winner. Their winning entries are shared below. Will you be the next winner? Use your voice and your video camera to help us overturn Citizens United!