Campaign reformers seek consitutional amendment
Updated: Saturday, 11 Feb 2012, 4:42 PM MST
Published : Saturday, 11 Feb 2012, 4:42 PM MST
Bill Diven
SANTA FE (KRQE) – Both the New Mexico House and Senate have joined the chorus deriding the Supreme Court ruling that opened elections to unlimited and often undisclosed contributions from corporations and unions.
That makes the state the second after Hawaii to go on record calling for a constitutional amendment to undo the court ruling in the case known as Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission.
In a 5-4 decision in January 2010 the Supreme Court ruled governments could not limit independent spending by corporations or unions during election campaigns.
One result has been the rise of super PACs, political action committees technically independent of candidates but spending many millions to support the candidate or attack the opposition.
The House passed its memorial 38-29 on Jan. 31, and the Senate did the same today by a vote of 20-9.
Photo by Ken Lund /