In November 2024, more than 74% of the Maine electorate voted in favor of a Ballot Question 1, which places a $5,000 per calendar year limit on contributions to political action committees that make independent expenditures, effectively ending super PACs in Maine. The law was quickly challenged by two super PACs that have asked a federal court to permanently block the law and override the will of Maine voters. In February 2025, Free Speech For People, on behalf of Mainers For Working Families, filed an amicus brief in support of the state’s opposition to the motion for permanent injunction, arguing that Maine voters have a constitutional right to limit contributions to prevent the risk of quid pro quo corruption and the appearance of corruption. The Court also granted intervention to EqualCitizens, a state senator, and citizens who proposed the ballot initiative. Free Speech For People is proud to represent Mainers For Working Families, along with local counsel Peter J. Brann from Brann & Isaacson. I Key Facts II Background III Major Developments and Documents Key Facts Caption Dinner Table Action et al. v. William J. Schneider Court United States District Court of Maine Docket No. 24-cv-00430 Status Order on motion for permanent injunction pending Plaintiffs Dinner Table Action, For Our Future, and Alex Titcomb Defendants William J. Scheider, David Hastings III, Sarah E. LeClaire, Dennis Marble, Beth N. Ahearn, and Aaron M. Frey Background In this lawsuit, two super PACs challenged a Maine law, passed via ballot measure with the support of 74% of voters, to limit contributions to political action committees (PACs), effectively ending super PACs in Maine. Maine law has long set reasonable limits on the amount of money that an individual or entity can contribute to candidate- or party-run PACs. But, prior to the passage of Question 1, contributors – including billionaires, corporations, and organizations that hide the sources of their money – were able to make unlimited contributions to “super PACs” that make independent expenditures to support or oppose specific candidates—despite the fact that “independent expenditures” have lost much of their independence, and candidates and super PACs are able to closely align on messaging and campaigning. The Supreme Court has long held that limits on contributions impose only a “marginal restriction” on free speech and that federal and state governments have a legitimate interest in limiting contributions to prevent the risk of quid pro quo corruption and the appearance of corruption. That is precisely why Mainer voted in favor of Ballot Question 1. The plaintiff super PACs in this case have asked the District Court of Maine to enjoin the new law, and to do so by relying on a wrongly decided 2010 D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals decision, SpeechNow v. FEC. SpeechNow created super PACs by striking down federal contribution limits to political action committees that make independent expenditures—expenditures that are not coordinated with a candidate or the candidate’s campaign. The SpeechNow court ruled that because the Supreme Court in Citizens United v. FEC held that independent expenditures cannot create the risk of quid pro quo corruption, contributions to PACs that make independent expenditures also cannot create the risk of quid pro quo corruption. The flaw in the wrongly-decided SpeechNow is clear. A candidate and donor can make a corrupt agreement for the donor to funnel a contribution into a PAC in exchange for political favors without the PAC being aware that the contribution is a bribe payment. A bribe doesn’t have to go directly into a candidate’s pocket; indeed, federal bribery law explicitly prohibits bribe payments to third-party entities, including super PACs. The flaw was clear in 2010; it is even more obvious now that fifteen years of unchecked super PAC contributions have created serious risk of corruption and have undermined voters’ faith in their candidates. Donors can make massive contributions to supportive super PACs, which positions super PACs as opportune vehicles for corrupt agreements. Mainers ended this risk, and the law should be upheld. The Supreme Court has never reviewed the SpeechNow decision. On February 14, Maine filed its opposition to the plaintiffs’ motion for permanent injunction, and on February 21, Free Speech For People, on behalf of Mainers For Working Families (MFWF), filed an amicus brief in support of the state. The MFWF amicus brief explains that SpeechNow was wrongly decided, is not binding on the District Court of Maine, and that the Question 1 contribution limit is constitutional. After these briefs were filed, the court granted intervention in February 2025 to EqualCitizens, a state senator, and a group of citizens who proposed Ballot Question 1. Free Speech For People and pro bono local counsel Peter J. Brann of Brann & Isaacson are proud to represent Mainers For Working Families in this matter. Learn more about Free Speech For People’s work challenging super PACs Major Developments and Documents Complaint (December 13, 2024) Answer (January 6, 2025) Motion for Permanent Injunction (January 17, 2025) Opposition to Motion for Permanent Injunction by State (February 15, 2025) Amicus Brief by U.S. Chamber of Commerce (January 24, 2025) Amicus Brief by Mainers For Working Families (February 21, 2025) Motion to Intervene by EqualCitizens et al (January 24, 2025) Opposition to Motion to Intervene by Plaintiffs (February 10, 2025) Reply to Opposition to Motion to Intervene (February 18, 2025) Order on Motion to Intervene (February 25, 2025) Opposition to Motion for Permanent Injunction by Intervenors (February 26, 2025) Declaration of Christopher Robertson (survey) (February 26, 2025)