The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Hears Oral Arguments on The Proposed Ballot Measure to Ban Super PACs in Massachusetts Posted on February 7, 2023 (February 7, 2023) Challenging Super PACs Free Speech For People and Equal Citizens appeared before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court yesterday for oral arguments in two lawsuits on behalf of individual voters in the state challenging the Massachusetts Attorney General’s rejection of an initiative petition to limit contributions to super PACs (which are currently unlimited) to $5,000 per individual donor. TheRead More
VIDEO: The Ongoing Fight To Abolish Super PACs and Prohibit Foreign-Influenced Corporate Spending in State Elections. Posted on September 23, 2021 (October 1, 2021) Challenging Foreign Influence In March 2010, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in v. FEC opened the door to super PACs by holding that the federal law limiting contributions to political committees to $5,000 per person each year could not be applied to a political committee that promised to make only “independent expenditures.” At the sameRead More
Abolish Super PACs, Ban Foreign Corporate Money: State Legislators Hear Testimony on Bills to Protect Election Integrity in Massachusetts. Posted on September 15, 2021 Challenging Super PACs BOSTON, MA – As multinational corporations like Uber and Lyft prepare to push a new ballot measure in Massachusetts that would define their drivers as independent contractors, state legislators will hear public testimony today on bills to abolish super PACs and to prohibit spending by foreign-influenced corporations in Massachusetts elections. The hearing, before the JointRead More
New FSFP Oped In Business Insider on The Alaska Court Case That Could End Super PACs and Reshape Our Democracy. Posted on February 17, 2021 Challenging Super PACs Business Insider recently published a new oped by FSFP Legal Director Ron Fein, FSFP President John Bonifaz, and FSFP Board Chair and Senior Legal Advisor Ben Clements on the Alaska court case that could end super PACs and reshape our democracy. The Alaska case hinges on a simple question: is this practice corrupt? Under SupremeRead More