Month: May 2017

Watch from VOX: How Impeachment Works

From Reconstruction to Watergate to Bill Clinton’s saga, support from the president’s party was critical to either removing a president or keeping him in power. Watch this video from Vox about how the Founding Fathers set up a process for impeachment.

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March For Truth: FSFP Joins 40+ Cities on June 3, 2017 For #MarchForTruth

A coalition of grassroots, local organizers across the country have joined together under the banner of “#MarchForTruth,” calling for urgency and transparency in the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and ties to Donald Trump and his associates. Demonstrations have been organized in 40+ cities, with more joining each day.
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Sunlight Foundation: Trump’s Conflicts of Interest

Sunlight Foundation, a nonpartisan nonprofit that advocates for open government, has been tracking President Trump’s conflicts of interest—and it turns out there are many. Click to read all of the evidence we need to impeach Trump.
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