Latest Developments

Stream Pay2Play FREE

We are pleased to be able to offer you the chance to watch the film Pay 2 Play: Democracy’s High Stakes from October 10-12th for FREE on Vimeo. Pay 2 Play is an entertaining documentary about the corrupting influence of money in politics featuring Robert Reich, Lawrence Lessig, Marianne Williamson, Noam Chomsky, Van Jones and
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Federal Judge Confirms What We Already Knew: Super PAC Contributions Can Be Considered Bribes

On Monday, a district court judge confirmed what many of us already know: Super PAC contributions can be considered bribes. Four corruption charges against Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) and his donor, Salomon Melgen, were dismissed but the judge denied motions to throw out other charges, including the senator’s solicitation of contributions from a Super PAC in exchange for official acts.
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Money in Politics as a Civil Rights Issue

Big money interests increasingly dominate our election process and threaten the basic promise of American democracy: political equality for all.  Like the poll tax of the past, today’s campaign finance system operates as a barrier to equal and meaningful participation in the political process.  This special forum will address the question of money in politics from
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Please join us for an all-day legal symposium at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, which will include scholars from across the country to discuss new scholarship and legal arguments challenging the doctrines underlying the Citizens United  ruling and to advance a new jurisprudence in defense of our democracy.* Friday, November 20 9:00am-4:30pm Your RSVP is requested.
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