Latest Developments

Ron Fein Joins AM950 Of Minnesota To Discuss Conflict Mineral Case

On August 21, Ron Fein joined Minnesota radio program, AM950 to discuss a critical ruling in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, which ruled in favor of businesses and their “first amendment” right not to disclose whether their minerals are sourced from conflict-torn areas, like the Congo.
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End-of-summer Reflection: Money, Politics, Corporations, and the Constitution

It’s been a busy summer for those of us fighting in the courts against constitutional challenges by big money interests and corporations seeking to strike down laws on everything from campaign contribution limits to the minimum wage. We’ve seen some important victories and we have been reminded there’s still work to be done.
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Corporate Constitutional Litigation Beats A Hasty Retreat In Los Angeles

The American Hotel & Lodging Association, which is challenging Los Angeles’s new living wage law for hotel workers, has voluntarily withdrawn 9 of the 10 claims in its complaint. This came just three weeks after Free Speech For People (along with co-signers Courage Campaign, Equal Justice Society and Western Center on Law and Poverty) filed an amicus brief in support of the City of Los Angeles.
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Summer Campaign Highlights

We are making great strides in our campaign to restore democracy to ‘we the people.’ Check out our summer highlights from our work to overturn Citizens United and end the myth of corporate personhood.
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A Look At The Voting Rights Act Anniversary

Today, marks the 50 year anniversary since the passage of the Voting Rights Act, which ensured that all Americans be provided equal opportunity to voice their opinions at the polls. Our partner, Democracy Initiative created a Storify to capture the momentum online from this historic date.
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Ron Fein: Don’t Let The Koch Brothers Be Kingmakers

In a piece posted today on The Blaze, Ron Fein responds to Charles Koch’s recent warning that “America is done for” if conservative mega-donors don’t rally in 2016. Fein argues that the “cure that Mr. Koch proposes is worse than the disease.”

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Free Speech For People to Hire Staff Attorney

Attorney: Counsel, Democracy Program  Seeking public interest lawyer, preferably with campaign finance and/or election law experience, for joint project by two cutting-edge non-profits, Free Speech For People and Represent.Us. Organizations Free Speech For People, a national nonpartisan nonprofit organization, was founded on the day of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. FEC decision. We’re working
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