Latest Developments

Citizens’ Ballot Initiative Another Casualty of Citizens United Decision

Jeff Clements of Free Speech For People is featured on TruthOut commenting on the new Gilded Age created in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling. Not until the 20th century, did “we the people” have access to ballot initiatives as a tool for democracy. The unlimited corporate campaign spending resulting directly from Citizens United continues to threaten our power to enact reasonable spending rules and to return our Constitutional rights to human beings, not corporations.
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Watch The Lenox, MA Performance of “Go Granny D!”

Off-Broadway actress Barbara Bates-Smith and musician Jeff Sebens take to the stage in Lenox, Massachusetts to highlight the story of the remarkable “Granny D”, who at age 89, walked 3,200 miles across the country to crusade for campaign finance reform. This special performance pays tribute to the life of Doris “Granny D” Haddock and shares how we can end the big money dominance of our elections and restore democracy to all.
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FSFP Filed An Amicus Brief in Grocery Manufacturers Association, et. al. v. William H. Sorrell, Attorney General

Free Speech For People has filed an amicus brief before the federal district court in Vermont in defense of Vermont’s recently-passed law requiring the labeling of food produced with genetic engineering. The law requires food sold in Vermont that was produced with genetic engineering to be labeled “produced with genetic engineering.” Major agribusiness and industrial
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Watch Jeff Clements Speak at the 31st Annual Jefferson B. Fordham Debate

Free Speech For People co-founder, Jeff Clements joined Kent Greenfield, Professor of Law at Boston College, for a debate moderated by Professor Schwartz at the University of Utah. The debate, hosted by University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law, addressed the issue of corporate personhood. Watch the full debate Click here
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Will the Supreme Court save industry’s bacon? Ron Fein Explains via The Hill

The First Amendment protects freedom of speech, “however, some judges use it as a bludgeon to strike down common-sense disclosure rules” exlains our legal director, Ron Fein to The Hill. Disclosures that would benefit workers, investors, and customers, are often ruled against to protect the purported First Amendment rights of businesses and corporations. This summer,
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Sen. Goldwater Would Have Hated ‘Citizens United’ According to Ron Fein in the Washington Post

Last month, Post columnist George F. Will quoted Barry Goldwater in the opening lines of his piece, arguing that the Citizens United decision protects Americans’ First Amendment rights. Today in the Washington Post, our legal director, Ron Fein revists Goldwater’s record, and explains the unlimited political spending by business corporations is exactly what Goldwater didn’t
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‘Living wage’ Laws Unconstitutional: If You Ask Lobbyists, Explains Ron Fein to Reuters

(Image via David Ryder, Reuters) Last week, Free Speech For People filed an amicus brief in IFA v. Seattle, in defense of Seattle’s new ‘living wage’ law, now under fire from the International Franchise Associations, the National Restaurant Association, and other industry trade groups. Our legal director, Ron Fein explains today on Reuters. The piece begins: Industry trade groups are now
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