Latest Developments

Another Citizens United — But Worse.

Think the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United was bad? A worse one may be on the horizon. The New Yorker recently covered the controversial McCutcheon Supreme Court case which could toss out campaign spending limits and effectively bring more money into the political system. The Amendments Free Speech for People have endorsed would correct the problem even under the worse case of McCutcheon.

The article reads:

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Oregon Becomes 16th State to Call for an Amendment to Overturn Citizens United!

Breaking news! Oregon is officially the 16th state to call for an amendment to overturn Citizens United! It has just passed out of the Oregon Senate by a 17-13 vote, after passing out of the House two Fridays ago with a 48-11 vote. More information to come soon.

The states that have called for an amendment to overturn Citizens United are listed below. Don’t see your state on the list? See how you can get involved here.



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Support the Tester and Udall amendments!

Senators Jon Tester (D-MT) and Tom Udall (D-NM) have introduced two historic bills to amend the US Constitution, overturning Citizens United and Buckley v. Valeo, respectively. Senator Tester’s "People’s Rights Amendment will make it clear that corporations don’t have constitutional rights, as if they were people. Senator Udall’s Political Equality amendment will allow us to eliminate the influence of big money in our political system. Please ask your US Senators to support both bills.
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Senators Tester and Udall Introduce New Constitutional Amendments to Overturn Citizens United

Senator Tester’s bill is first-ever in US Senate to make clear that constitutional rights are only for people, not corporations

WASHINGTON, DC. – Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) received praise from democracy advocates today for introducing a companion bill to Massachusetts Congressman Jim McGovern’s “People’s Rights Amendment.”

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Testimony of Jeff Clements & FSFP Concerning Hearing on “Food Safety, Nutrition and Labeling” and the Labeling of GMOs

On Tuesday, June 11, 2013, Free Speech For People Co-Founder and President, Jeff Clements, provided testimony to the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at the Joint Committee on Public Health Public Hearing. 

Here is a brief excerpt below: 

"Chairman Sanchez, Chairman Keenan and Members of the Committee:

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