Latest Developments

Justice Scalia encourages amending the Constitution in response to Citizens United.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, a noted conservative who was among the signers of the Court’s 5-4 majority opinion in Citizens United, last week called on those of us — 80% of Americans, according to polls — who disagree with that decision to respond by amending the Constitution.

According to the Las Vegas Sun-Journal, the following exchange took place Wednesday, Sept. 5th between Scalia and Kathy Kama, a law student at the University at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas:

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Federal Appeals Court Strikes Minn. Disclosure Law, Aiding Corporate America’s Political Power

Jeremy Leaming

American Constitution Society Blog

September 6, 2012

"A  federal appeals court has provided another victory for corporate America’s efforts to influence politicians, political parties and the nation’s elections. Big business hardly needed such a victory, especially since the U.S. Supreme Court in Citizens United v. FEC scrapped some significant campaign finance regulation laws thereby making it far easier for corporations to spend boatloads of money on local, state and federal elections of all kinds.

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President Obama Joins Call to Overturn Citizens United with a Constitutional Amendment

In a chat with the website Reddit, President Obama called for serious look at a constitutional amendment to reverse the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling.

"Over the longer term, I think we need to seriously consider mobilizing a constitutional amendment process to overturn Citizens United (assuming the Supreme Court doesn’t revisit it). Even if the amendment process falls short, it can shine a spotlight of the super-PAC phenomenon and help apply pressure for change," Obama wrote.

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Montana Supreme Court Rejects I-166 Challenge

Voters Will Still Have the Opportunity to Declare that Corporations Aren’t People and Money Isn’t Speech with November Vote

HELENA – The people of Montana won the right to vote on I-166 this November when in a 6 to 1 decision Montana’s Supreme Court rejected an attempt by opponents to remove it from the ballot.

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Massachusetts becomes 7th state to call for a Constitutional Amendment

Late last night, the Massachusetts State House took the historic step of unanimously approving a resolution calling on Congress to overrule the Citizens United decision with a constitutional amendment restoring democracy to the American people.

The State House’s unanimous voice vote last night follows an almost equally overwhelming vote of 35 to 1 in the State Senate to approve a similar resolution last Thursday.

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