Latest Developments

Rev. Dr. Kenneth Lee Samuel’s defense of U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson: American Democracy Is Not for Sale

Congressman Hank Johnson of Georgia has recently come under attack in certain blogs for speaking up for the truth that corporations are not people and do not have the same constitutional rights as people.

Rev. Dr. Samuel has written a spirited defense of Congressman Johnson in the Huffington Post. Here’s an excerpt:

It’s not every day that our political leaders truly do the right thing.

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Report: Saudi-Led Oil Lobby Group Financed 2012 Dark Money Attack Ads

A new report in The Nation on Friday details how the so-called American Petroleum Institute, a major lobbying group for Big Oil, is both funded in part by a Saudi oil company and directed in part by a registered foreign agent for Saudi Arabia who heads a subsidiary of that Saudi oil company.

It also reports that the Institute’s 2011 tax returns show almost half a million dollars in gifts to dark-money organizations that ran attack ads in America’s most recent elections — and that’s just what the Big Oil group spent in 2011. Just imagine what the 2012 figures could be.

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New York Times: Only a constitutional amendment will do it.

The New York Times’ lead editorial today indicts America’s "Broken Election System". It lays out several necessary fixes, then concludes by saying:

"Ultimately, only a constitutional amendment can counter the misbegotten Supreme Court assertion that money is speech and thus can play an unlimited role in American politics."

For the full editorial, click here.

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