Latest Developments

Congresswoman Donna Edwards Introduces an Amendment

Conresswoman Donna Edwards, with Judiciary Committee Ranking Member, Representative John Conyers, has reintroduced a Constitutional amendment, HJ RES 78. The proposed amendment would reverse the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC, allowing for corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money to influence elections. Per Congresswoman Edwards, “Justice John Paul Stevens warned that the Supreme Court’s ruling in
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Groups petition Del. attorney general to revoke Massey charter

Manuel Quinones, E&E reporter
Published: Friday, September 16, 2011
E&E News PM

Advocacy groups petitioned Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden (D) today to revoke Massey Energy Co.’s corporate charter.

The groups — Free Speech for People, Appalachian Voices and the Rainforest Action Network — said 35,000 people signed the petition, which cites Massey’s environmental record and its role in the Upper Big Branch explosion that killed 29 miners in West Virginia last year.

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