Latest Developments

Locate a town hall meeting in your area

California Member of Congress Date Time Location Rep. Pete Stark Saturday, September 17 9:00a Ruggieri Senior Center, 33997 Alvarado Niles Road, Union City, CA Rep. Pete Stark Saturday, September 17 11:00a Hayward City Hall, Council Chambers, 777 B Street, Hayward, CA   Florida Member of Congress Date Time Location Rep. Ted Deutch Tuesday, August 30 10:00a
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All you need to get started with the August Recess Project

Included below are step-by-step instructions for attending a town hall meeting or a meeting with your member of Congress, as well as resources and helpful tools to spread the word about Free Speech For People. We are grateful for your leadership and participation in this project. Resources Find your members of CongressFree Speech For People Lapel
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Resolution Passed by Unitarian Universalist Association in Charlotte, North Carolina

On June 26, 2011, at the General Assembly meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Association in Charlotte, North Carolina, an Action of Immediate Witness opposing the Citizens United decision was passed. The resolution, "Oppose Citizens United–Support Free Speech For People" stated that "Unitarian Unviersalists believe in the the ‘inherent worth and dignity of every person’, and in the ‘use of the democratic process’ in society at large".

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29 Miners and Massey’s Coal Crimes

Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Nation

June 26, 2011

It was Easter Weekend 2010 when 33-year-old Gary Quarles—a skilled miner with 14 years experience and a father of two— and an “up and coming” miner, Nicolas McCroskey, 26, were having dinner with a friend. They said that “something bad was going to happen” at Massey Energy’s Upper Big Branch (UBB) mine where they worked.

That Sunday, Quarles also confided in a close friend he’d known since childhood.

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Perspectives: How to Stop Pay-to-Play Politics

by Shreya Barot, American Sustainable Business Council

The American democratic principles of “government of the people, by the people, for the people” are now being endangered by an overreaching Supreme Court ruling – Citizens United v. FEC. The Story of Citizens United, by the famous maker of The Story of Stuff, illustrates beautifully how the ruling enables corporations to spend unlimited money on public elections.

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