Latest Developments

Susan Greenhalgh and Philip Stark Set the Record Straight on Voting System Security Report for ElectionLaw Blog

Free Speech For People’s Senior Advisor for Election Security Susan Greenhalgh, and University of California at Berkley’s Distinguished Professor Philip Stark published a guest post for Rick Hasen’s ElectionLaw Blog on March 4th,  “Setting the record straight on the security review in the Georgia voting machine lawsuit.”  The post is a rebuttal to a newsletter
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Free Speech For People serves as co-lead counsel for the voters challenging Cawthorn’s eligibility to appear on the 2022 primary ballot in North Carolina. Today’s district court ruling granting Representative Cawthorn’s motion for a preliminary injunction against the North Carolina State Board of Elections must be appealed. This ruling, by Chief Judge Richard Myers II,
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In a Split Decision, the FEC Overrules Career Staff and Refuses to Investigate Coordination between the Russian Government and Donald Trump’s 2016 Campaign

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has released records revealing how partisan deadlock blocked its investigation into potential coordination between former President Trump’s 2016 election campaign and the Russian Federation.   The FEC’s nonpartisan professional career staff in its General Counsel’s office recommended that the FEC find “reason to believe” that the Trump campaign
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North Carolina Voters Refile Challenge to Rep. Madison Cawthorn’s Eligibility for Reelection Under Fourteenth Amendment’s Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause

Following Cawthorn’s decision to seek election in North Carolina’s new 11th Congressional district, two voters file new challenge before the North Carolina State Board of Elections RALEIGH, NC – Two North Carolina voters have filed a new legal challenge to U.S. Representative Madison Cawthorn’s eligibility to appear on the 2022 primary ballot, with more challengers
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New Politico Report: North Carolina Attorney General’s Office Affirms Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment Could Apply to Rep. Madison Cawthorn for Support of Jan 6 Attack on U.S. Capitol.

According to new reporting from Politico, the North Carolina Attorney General’s office via a court filing this week argued that the State Board of Elections could bar Rep. Cawthorn from the ballot under Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment if the board finds that he supported or encouraged the deadly Jan 6 attack on the
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Constitutional Accountability Center: Text and History Demonstrate Cawthorn Can’t Evade Accountability for January 6.

The following excerpt was originally published on the Constitutional Accountability Center Blog. On January 6, 2021, a crowd of thousands violently breached the U.S. Capitol in a bid to disrupt congressional certification of the 2020 presidential election results. This unprecedented attack resulted in five deaths, at least 140 assaults, and the most significant destruction of the Capitol
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FSFP Legal Director Ron Fein Testifies Before Hawaii State Legislature and Urges Lawmakers to Lower Thresholds For Defining Foreign-Influenced Corporations.

FSFP Legal Director Ron Fein recently appeared before the Hawaii State Legislature to provide testimony on why the deliberative body must consider expanding the definition of a foreign-influenced corporation as it looks to safeguard state elections. The following is an excerpt from his testimony: For a large multinational corporation, an investor that owns 1% of
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Free Speech For People Leads Coalition of Organizations to Oppose the Continued Use of Electronic Voting Machines in Indiana.

Together with the Indiana League of Women Voters, Indiana Vote by Mail, and Verified Voting, Free Speech For People issued a letter on February 10 to Indiana state lawmakers to urge them to reject legislation that would continue the use of Indiana’s direct record electronic voting machines. A bill has been moving through the Indiana
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New Bill Seeks to Ban Multinational Corporations From Spending Money in California Elections

Introduced by Assemblymember Alex Lee, the bill would prohibit spending by foreign-influenced corporations to candidates, parties, or committees (including super PACs), closing a loophole created by the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United v. FEC. SACRAMENTO, CA (February 7, 2022) – California Assemblymember Alex Lee introduced today AB 1819 to bar multinational or foreign-influenced
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“In your name, we will keep fighting for our democracy”: FSFP President John Bonifaz Discusses The Life and Legacy of Democracy Activist Doris “Granny D” Haddock.

FSFP President recently appeared in a new video commemorating the life and legacy of democracy activist Doris “Granny D” Haddock, who walked across the country at eighty-nine years old and engaged in other forms of activism to call for an overhaul of the U.S. campaign finance system. Watch the video below.
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