Latest Developments

Harvard Law and Policy Review: Exposing Exxon’s Ham-Fisted Attempts to Wield a Weaponized First Amendment

In an article for Harvard Law and Policy Review, Free Speech For People Senior Counsel, Shanna Cleveland, details Exxon’s misuse of the First Amendment, and fabricated claim of corporate constitutional rights, to evade accountability for potentially misleading statements made by the corporation regarding the impact of fossil fuels on climate change. Exxon’s claims of free
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Closing a Dangerous Loophole in Massachusetts’ Campaign Finance Practice

Few Americans want to see more money in politics these days. In fact, almost 80% favor limiting big donations, voicing concerns about the integrity of our democracy. But today Free Speech For People will be testifying at a public hearing to close an arbitrary loophole that has been allowing politically savvy groups to avoid registering
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Ben Clements joins Weekends with Alex Witt to Discuss the Mueller Investigation

On December 2, 2018, Free Speech For People Board Chair, Ben Clements, joined Weekends with Alex Witt on MSNBC to discuss the latest developments in the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and holding the President accountable to the law. In addition to the Mueller investigation, Free Speech For People launched, in January 2017, a
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FSFP and National Election Defense Coalition Demand Records on Texas’s Voting Machine Problems

Free Speech For People and our partners at the National Election Defense Coalition today submitted a request for records under the Texas Public Information Act for information about a serious voting machine problem that manifested during the 2018 general election. Background About 82 of Texas’s 254 counties (including some of its most populous) use the obsolete
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Center for Public Integrity Reports on Our Fight Against Special Cryptocurrency Loophole

The Center for Public Integrity reported on Free Speech For People’s efforts to fight a cryptocurrency company’s request for a special loophole that could seriously undermine federal campaign finance law. As the article by Ashley Balcerzak explains: OsiaNetwork LLC, a newly formed limited liability company in Delaware, has asked the Federal Election Commission whether it’s legal for people to share
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Center for Responsive Politics: Millions in Masked Money Funneled into 2018 Elections

In a report by The Center For Responsive Politics, spending by groups that only partially disclose their donors and by secret money groups dominated the 2018 midterm election cycle. According to federal election records at the time of reporting: Partially-disclosing groups have already reported $405 million in 2018 election spending…This is the third consecutive election
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Watch: John Bonifaz and Jennifer Taub at the Nobody is Above the Law Rally

On November 10, 2018, Free Speech For People President, John Bonifaz, and Board Member, Jennifer Taub, spoke at a ‘Nobody is Above the Law’ rally in Northampton, MA. Similar rallies took place across the country in response to the President’s latest move to obstruct justice, by firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions (who had appropriately recused
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Buckley v. Valeo, 43 Years Later

This past weekend marked the 43rd anniversary of the oral arguments in Buckley v. Valeo, the 1976 Supreme Court case that set the foundation for four decades of problematic and often unworkable jurisprudence impeding society’s ability to put limits on the influence of big money in elections. But on November 10, 1975,  when the lawyers
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